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Life & Events > Breakin' it Down

Breakin' it Down

Hmm... where to begin? I have a bunch of random notes, so maybe I'll just break it all down.

The Offer -- As always, leaving every little detail until the very last minute, work made me an offer late Friday afternoon... which I very nicely disputed. Actually, I was kinda insulted, but was calm about it, "Sorry, I don't mean to be difficult, but that is not what I'm expecting to be paid." I hate playing hardball, but I won't be able to forgive myself if I don't at least try.

I explained my rationale of why I deserve more: If the company were to hire another contractor off the street instead of me, they'd be paying twice as much and that person wouldn't have the 5 years of company knowledge that I do. I'm certainly not asking for twice as much... but I am asking for what's fair. Fortunately, my boss eventually agreed that I was making a reasonable request.

It might sound like cutting my nose off to spite my face, but I would rather make LESS elsewhere and know that I was at least being treated fairly, than to make what they offered me, and know that they were totally taking advantage of me.

After we left work, I was absolutely fuming. (This was before I received the email from my boss where he agreed with me.) J reminded me not to take it personally. They're always going to offer as little as possible up front and expect that you're going to negotiate. Fair enough, but it's worth mentioning that they offered J quite a bit more than they did me, even though I do a lot more work than he does.

I'm obviously not upset with J... not in the least! I'm just ticked off at the whole issue. Time after time, when I pointed out that I'm paid below the industry standard, they would always ignore me and refuse to increase my salary accordingly. In fact, ex-manager once told me, "Well, you've always been underpaid." As if that's some kind of legitimate excuse. Then when I make the transition to freelance, they try to turn the tables to their advantage by offering the so-called industry standard for contract writers. Which is total BS, because according to my research, what they offered clearly isn't the industry standard at all. Figures...

So, here we are on Wednesday -- when my last official day was Friday -- and I have YET to receive any kind of contract from HR. *sigh*

J told me that if they don't offer to pay me what I'm worth, and I decide to quit altogether, then he will quit too. While I think that's sweet of him to stand by me, I don't want him to mess up his opportunities just because of me.

Anyhow, I'm sure it'll all work out... I just hate this waiting game.

The New Life -- This past weekend was a long weekend here in Canada, which J n' I spent getting our place ready for our new lifestyle. (AKA: cleaning.) We knew that we wanted to have the house all perfectly tidy so we could just jump into work on Tuesday without any distractions.

In between cleaning, any moment I had alone to journal or meditate, I was sure to thank the Universe for these wonderful blessings. Yeah, there's still a bit of BS to endure, but we'll get through it. It really is amazing how everything has fallen together for us. I mean, yeah, it's been years in the making... but still!

Anyhow, J n' I got up bright n' early yesterday morning, and had a coffee on the balcony. I have to say that Tim Horton's coffee from the can is not half as good as Tim Horton's from the paper cup. Blegh. Maybe J just made it too strong? He likes to eyeball things instead of measuring them. I think tomorrow I might have to just make it myself.

After coffee, we dived into our screenplay spreadsheet, reviewing our notes and working on the new structure. While it's a really great experience, the new life is not without its minor kinks. J is a real stickler for routine. Every time we would take a quick break, I'd use that opportunity to respond to an email or two -- and if it took me 5 minutes longer than he felt it should, he would start hounding me. I told him that if he wants this little arrangement to work, he's going to have to be more flexible. We normally make a *great* team, but I have to admit that I was getting 2% peeved at him yesterday morning with his relentless pestering, "Who are you emailing now? I'd like to get back to work over here. Can't you leave that until later?"

Fortunately, after I mentioned that he was being a bit of a tyrant, he agreed to back off. :)

All that being said, I was only responding to the most important emails -- like our wedding coordinator, etc -- and ignoring all the ones from friends asking when I'd be on MSN again. The truth is I don't think I will be on MSN much at all anymore. Unlike work where I jump from assignment to assignment, this kind of writing either flows or it doesn't, and having my mom interrupt that sacred flow just to tell me what she's cooking for dinner... well... yeah, not so good. So no more MSN, except the one day a week I come into the office... like today.

The Office -- So J n' I came into the office today, even though we don't have a stupid contract yet. Fortunately, Payroll (who understands how friggin' slow HR is) agreed to pay us on our next paycheque for any days we come in this week.

We might not have come in at all today, except some people have organized a goodbye party for us, which is extremely... umm... awkward. I mean, we're still coming in one day a week, (well, that's assuming we get our contracts), so to have a goodbye party just feels really weird, y'know?

Not to be a Negative Nelly, but if we don't have our contracts by next week, we are not coming in at all until something is resolved.

Such nonsense...

Weddin' Stuff -- Jeez Louise! With every passing day our wedding website reminds me of just how many days we have left until the big day. (37 days and counting -- Eek!)
I got an email yesterday from our coordinator who said that our itinerary will be mailed to us sometime this week, and then asked me if I plan on taking J's last name. Man... I hadn't really decided yet -- not that I haven't been racking my brain over it. I've just been on the fence for months.... which really is a post in itself.

I finally decided that I would take his last name for "family" sake should we ever have kids, and also because I know it would really make J happy if I did -- however, we both agreed that for professional reasons, my nom de plume should continue being my maiden name.

Also in wedding-related news, tonight we are meeting with a friend who is making us our little wedding cakes for our reception. (The same cute lil' ones that were served my shower.) YAY! Those were so cute n' tasty!

So, between the contract nonsense, our new life, and our upcoming wedding, (not to mention all the birthdays, weddings and family reunions we have every weekend), August is gonna be one crazy month!

posted on Aug 6, 2008 10:32 AM ()


Such huge life altering events all in one month! Hang in thereDon't forget to breathe!
comment by frogfenatic on Aug 19, 2008 12:46 PM ()
Oh, Tim Horton's from the can is NEVER as good as a custom made Timmies... something about it...This was a great update post and because August is such a crazy month for you and you're working from home now (I think it's funny that J is a tougher "boss" than a "real" one...)I won't feel (quite) as guilty about being away from the computer and facebook and, um, you....
comment by janetk on Aug 8, 2008 11:28 AM ()
*phew*…lotsa happenings!

Well as you said, you will go elsewhere if you are not happy with their offer. Stick to it I reckon you’ll get what you want…

soooo what was she cooking?

Heh…uh yes thank you for the farewell do everyone and we’ll see yers all next week!

Aha! Youse will have that extra bit of trivia…they are not only partners in creativity but partners in real life.
comment by dazeymae on Aug 6, 2008 7:25 PM ()
The unfairness of pay for women is so unbelievably ridiculous. Hello people, this is the year 2008!!! Good God already!!
Stick to your guns. Your attitude is spot on.
Dang girl... you guys are so busy... don't forget to stop and breath now and again. The days are going to fly by.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 6, 2008 5:49 PM ()
Oh!this is girlie talk.No comment
comment by fredo on Aug 6, 2008 1:56 PM ()
I really want to try this Tim Horton's stuff.... where in the US can you get it or do I need to get my passport dusted off?
comment by meranda on Aug 6, 2008 12:41 PM ()
Whew...when are you going to have time to breathe???That's a lot going on. Hope HR comes thru and does the right thing..*hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Aug 6, 2008 11:39 AM ()
wow! you have so much going on! and you are handling it all so well! I would be pulling my hair out by now. best of luck with all of your endeavors!!!
comment by elkhound on Aug 6, 2008 11:29 AM ()
Holy crap I can't believe you're getting married in a month and a half!!!
As for the Timmy's... I like the can stuff just fine but that's because I haven't had the real stuff at an actual TH in y-e-a-r-s.

So... seems like you need stuff to occupy all your free time, huh?
comment by mrsstu on Aug 6, 2008 11:25 AM ()
wow you guys sound busy still!!! At least it's not 9-5 busy though. 37 days!?!?!?! wowzers!
And yeah, what hayduke wrote... so unfair - I keep telling R that's why he should continue working while I play with puppies all day...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 6, 2008 11:25 AM ()
Do you know that women in the U.S. only make 79% of what their male counterparts do? For every dollar that a male makes, a woman, doing the identical job, only makes 79 cents! Boy! I didn't realize having a penis was so vaulable (for work, that is!)
I admire you for standing up for yourself an demanding to be treated fairly! Just remember not to lose your temper. When that happens, they win. (Also remember not to cry when you get frustrated. That gives them ammunition to say, "See? This is how a woman handles situations.)
The world is unfair, and it will stay unfair unless you speak up. "All that is needed for evil to triumph is to have good people do nothing."
comment by hayduke on Aug 6, 2008 10:56 AM ()

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