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This World ...

I am down in the dumps lately.

Still frustrated. Frustrated with soooo many things. Some I have control over, others I do not.

Last night I cried myself to sleep after talking to R about things on my mind - work related and how I hate everything. He certainly tried to help and offered suggestions but I came away knowing that I complain too much and that I shouldn’t take my frustrations out on others. It made me feel worse about everything knowing that *I* need work in so many areas of my life. This I can change though, once a positive thought crosses my brain again.

This morning I cried after reading about the Hormel pigs. The people who “process” them at their final stage of "life" are being brought up on charges after video’s proved they were beating and raping pigs with objects before their final horror. Yes it’s good that these asshats are being brought up on charges, but at the same time this is just one instance of things that happen daily across this planet to animals who are at our mercy. It truly sickens me and makes me feel helpless.

This world is too much for me sometimes. I want to crawl into bed and dream of a land where things are just and fair and animals and people are treated fairly and with respect. It certainly isn’t on this planet.

I can’t think about this anymore or I will start bawling again and work isn’t the place for that. Nope. I’ll wait til I get home.

posted on Oct 24, 2008 10:56 AM ()


Oh Kristylyn, Men have always been cruel. I don't understand it either and about all I can do is donate to animal causes and take care of the animals that I have. War and hatred and cruelty are so beyond my comprehension. Love and Hugs
comment by elderjane on Oct 28, 2008 7:11 AM ()
Ugh... I heard about that. F'ing disgusting. I'm so sorry that you're so down in the dumps lately.
comment by mellowdee on Oct 26, 2008 1:37 PM ()
The mule is in good shape, just a few scrapes and bruises and is doing well at a local horse rescue. The asshat is still in jail from last report and animal abuse is the least of his worries. No license, insurance, 3rd or 4th DUI and a crowd that is lookin to lynch his ass....
comment by jwrone on Oct 26, 2008 6:51 AM ()
Yeah. Me too. Did ya hear about the asshat that was busted for dragging his mule down a gravel road behind his pick up? Lucky for the mule the guy was so drunk that he put the truck in the ditch before he REALLY hurt the mule too badly. Yeah, that was a few miles from my house...
comment by jwrone on Oct 25, 2008 9:24 AM ()
I try to be a friend to animals, but vermin is another matter. I try to deal with them as best I can, but I'm not going to let rats live in our house or gophers destroy our plants, vegetable garden, and yard.

That doesn't mean I'm going to start eating animals or stop caring about wildlife or the treatment of farm animals.
comment by stiva on Oct 25, 2008 7:31 AM ()
Kristy I have dedicated a blog entry for you over at my front porch, I think it sums up how you feel. I think Strider nailed it when he said we alone can't change the world..but I do believe we can start with our own little piece and work from there
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 25, 2008 5:11 AM ()
those asshats need to have the same thing done to them. there is no reason why people cannot be humane to the animals we use for food. It hurts my heart that these things happen.

yer heartsick pal
comment by honeybugg on Oct 24, 2008 3:11 PM ()
Oh Sweetie. Now you're making me want to cry! (((hugs)))
comment by sexysadie on Oct 24, 2008 1:53 PM ()
Hi Kristy. I know you are a very compassionate person when it comes to animals and I know that such abuse really touches your heart. The people that do this sort of thing are completely sick. Most of us who raise animals or even those who find themselves working in slaughter houses, would never engage in this kind of horrible behavior.

Still... you do need to take Strider's advice and focus on the good things in life because just thinking about the bad will take away your spirit. There is a lot of bad in this world, but it will always be with us. There is no way to rid the world of all the bad. Do your part to fight the abuse and the bad... but keep balanced.

I'm hoping that maybe my reply and those like Strider's will help you to smell the flowers in life.
comment by anniel on Oct 24, 2008 1:35 PM ()
OMG That is just disgusting about the Hormel pigs. People can be so cruel & sick. SO sorry life has you in the dumps. HUGS
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 24, 2008 12:56 PM ()
comment by mrsstu on Oct 24, 2008 12:34 PM ()
If talking or writing about your frustration helps you get out your feelings and gain back some control of your life, then do it. If you don't want to take it out on R, then write it here.

Something that I have to keep in mind for my frustration is that frustration comes from not seeing or allowing the world as it is. That doesn't mean not working toward change, it means stop fighting reality. Things happen the way they do. You can work toward preventing it in the future, but the present is what it is, and past is the past.

Sorry, that was longer than I intended.

Mostly, I'm sorry about the gopher story. As I explained in my comment, I didn't know what else to do for "pest control".
comment by stiva on Oct 24, 2008 12:00 PM ()
I am sorry love. I know its going to get better!
comment by spicybitch on Oct 24, 2008 11:16 AM ()
Kristy...I quit watching animal planet after seeing those heart breaking puppy mills, I was shocked as I watched those sick cattle suffering trying to get to their feet while they poked and used a front end loader to get them to slaughter...these are sad statements for our time. But it's the unfortunate way of this world, I disapprove of all of these horrible acts but stay away from being reminded...denial is the most convenient form of defense...I have no choice. As corny as it does sound, I always try to focus on the good things in my life and of course never compare myself to others where we are in comparison to material or ecomomic matters. Money never has meant much to me beyond its necessity to live with the basic requirements and avoid buying things I want vereses what I really need. You have a hell of a lot going for you and all you need to do is focus on the good things and have confidence you'll figure things out in the end. The larger the challenges the more it builds confidence that we can over come anything. Hold on and steadfast to your dreams knowing that no matter how long it takes, they will emerge. Visualize it daily and move closer daily no matter what small steps you take. Don't let anything or anyone dictate what you think, hold on to what you believe always. The heart is the strongest muscle in the body, and you my friend have a big one...

comment by strider333 on Oct 24, 2008 11:15 AM ()

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