Our veggie meal turned out fantastic. Turns out my friend never had a celebration roast - she loved it. Yay! The boys enjoyed their turkey, and the dogs enjoyed their tasty morsels as well.
We watched some football, played some games, had a fire, went in the hot tub, went for walks up ginormous hills with the dogs, went to a winery - I mean, it was a fun packed weekend with some friends that we love. They are the perfect travelling couple. No drama, dog lovers, everything just worked out. Here's a pic of three of the four sleepy pups:

In other news, when we arrived back home, R noted that the garage door was open. Um, what???? I was like this is not good. Thank GOODNESS we had locked the interior door and THANK GOODNESS no one stole my honda civic with the keys sitting in it. Oh my goodness. It's not like we live in a really nice neighborhood either, so it was quite a pleasant thing to experience that nothing was missing or stolen. Amazing.
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well. :0)