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Life & Events > The Need for a Humble Abode

The Need for a Humble Abode

So it looks like we're moving again... I did have a 3 1/2 year hiatus from moving around all the time so I guess that was a good long streak! I am not looking forward to the packing and moving part of it all, but I am happy that we're looking at single family homes to rent, which will be a step up. From condo to townhouse to single family - then hopefully to our very own single family in WI! I am hoping this will happen next year. Dare to dream.

Trying to rent a house in this area is quite a challenge. We have two applications in for two different homes. One we got approved for, but the owners are waiting on an appraisal of the home before they will be willing to sign a lease, since apparently there is a loan lying in wait for their new home. I do not even pretend to understand all this, but our realtor told us that the earliest we'll see a lease from this place is by the end of next week. This is a bummer because this is the place we REALLY liked. While it's great that the app went through and we're approved, we really aren't sure it's all going to go through which leaves us in that all too familiar limbo. *Sigh*.

The other place we have an application in is nice, but the realtor for that place is making us jump through hoops. Our realtor said we should stick with it so that we have our options open. So we are. But as of right now the latest hiccup with them is trying to figure out R's mortgage payment for the barn to decide if we have enough money to pay the rent each month. They also wanted to know exactly what kind of dogs we have, apparently lab mixes was not specific enough. So we're still waiting on that one, but that might be perfect because we really want to know what's going on with the house we REALLY like before we decide on the one that is making us jump through hoops, if that makes sense.

Ok, enough griping... well, almost. I haven't been sleeping well and my head is aching as a result.

In other news, the parental visit was fantastical as always. We had a GREAT time at the Packers game... even though they lost which wasn't the ending we all hoped for! But anyways, these things happen.

Happy hump day peeps....

posted on Oct 13, 2010 3:47 PM ()


Keep us informed. Wisconsin?!!!
comment by solitaire on Oct 17, 2010 6:41 AM ()
oh yes... that is the plan. Hopefully we'll be there next year!
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 17, 2010 7:12 AM ()
You can't EVER move to WI until I have a chance to visit you in DC, or you visit Mary Ellen and I in CT! I simply won't allow it!
comment by hayduke on Oct 15, 2010 9:14 AM ()
Yeah I wanted to ask you about that - Feb right?
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 15, 2010 9:32 AM ()
I just read one of her notes on facebook and it made me miss her blogging that much more.I think we should pester several people about their return to blogging...where the heck did everyone go?!
comment by juliansmom on Oct 14, 2010 8:21 PM ()
People have been long gone for awhile now... I am glad to see that you have returned!!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 15, 2010 9:33 AM ()
It's funny you say that because Amy and I are pretty certain we're sisters from another mother (that doesn't really work as well as brothers, does it? Oh well...)I miss her blogs something fierce.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 14, 2010 6:26 PM ()
Maybe we should start a movement for her to attempt to blog again regularly...
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2010 6:29 PM ()
Limbo is terrible...I'm with you on that.I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the place you really like...I'll bet you get it.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 14, 2010 6:03 PM ()
you remind me of Amy. I miss her!!!!! I really hope we get it as well... time will tell.
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2010 6:17 PM ()
Moving isn't fun at all... although that's one way to get to paint a house while it's empty!
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 14, 2010 7:22 AM ()
That's also how I used to dust.
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2010 11:21 AM ()
Being in limbo really sucks. I hope it works out so that you get the one
you like best.
comment by elderjane on Oct 14, 2010 6:40 AM ()
Thank you... us too! We should know more next week...
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2010 11:20 AM ()
I understand being tired of moving. That's why I've stuck to my current place like glue... of course 10 years later, I'm sick of this place. LOL!
Crossing fingers a single family place opens up for you two quickly. I know SB will be sad when you move to WI, but I hope it happens as planned.
comment by sexysadie on Oct 13, 2010 5:13 PM ()
It must REALLY seem like home though, which hasta be great! Yeah there are pluses and minuses about moving to WI, missing SB and others is a def con!
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 13, 2010 5:29 PM ()
YAY! I hate waiting. We will wait together.
comment by spicybitch on Oct 13, 2010 4:05 PM ()
Indeed we will...
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 13, 2010 5:28 PM ()

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