I've been working out on the treadmill lately. 30+ minutes 3 times a week while Skylar take her first nap. I walk at a fast pace uphill. I am still gaining weight... which leads me to....
I'm 14 weeks pregnant with Skylar's sibling! It's a good thing I am gaining weight I suppose. But do you all realize how hard it is to actually work out (especially when I have done so for a few months at a time, maybe twice, over the course of my lifetime) and GAIN weight? But in all fairness I am eating for all of China lately so it all makes sense in the grand scheme. but still. sigh
So here are some pics. The first one is her in the swing we bought her for the backyard. Note the packers sleeper. HA

And here are three of her in her cutest little outfit at the moment. My mom bought it and it's a dress with bloomers. I took SO many pictures yesterday!!!

And that is that.
Now what to make for dinner?
Happy Thursday peeps!