(And no, Martin, it isn't about that lady! LOL)
OK. Somebody has to say this. So, I will.
We will never "win" the war in Afghanistan. We cannot defeat terrorism. It is in the blood and the divergent "religion" of certain tribal characters over there that they must do "Jihad."
It is the way it is.
We are wasting huge sums of money and terrible numbers of American and Coalition lives and limbs by perpetuating what is a political morass.
We keep sending morons to Washington who see the war as an assist toward re-election, which is the ultimate practice of all politicians.
It is time to bring it to an end.
bring the troops home.let what ever happens in the aftermath happen.
We cannot build nations anymore. We are not Gods.
Let's get serious about our place in the world.
Why keep sending our young people to places where they will die or get maimed in the name of "Democracy?"
Those people have never know democracy and they never will.
Let them suffer their own fates.
Bring the troops home.
The time for revenge has long passed.