Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Cities & Towns > Weather > Heat Wave ...

Heat Wave ...

(NOAA Climate Data report, an excerpt.)
Each of the last three decades has been much warmer than the decade before, it reports. At the time, the 1980 was the hottest decade on record. In the 1990s, every year was warmer than the average of the previous decade. And the 2000s were warmer still.

Specifically, the decade of the 2000s had a surface global temperature that was 0.96°F above the long-term (20th century) average. This shattered the 1990s value of 0.65°F above average, according to Thomas C. Patterson, chief scientist at the National Climatic Data Center....

The report focused on 10 indicators of a warming world, seven which are increasing and three declining. Rising over the decades are average air temperature, the ratio of water vapor to air, ocean heat content, sea-surface temperature, sea level, air temperature over the ocean and air temperature over land.

Indicators that are declining are snow cover, glaciers and sea ice.

"The temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit over the past 50 years may seem small, but it has already altered our planet," said Deke Arndt, co-editor of the report and chief of the Climate Monitoring Branch of the data center.

"Glaciers and sea ice are melting, heavy rainfall is intensifying and heat waves are more common," he says.

Last month was the warmest June on record and this year has had the warmest average temperature for January-June since record keeping began, NOAA reported last week.

posted on July 28, 2010 7:35 PM ()


Yes,the climate is changing fast.We do have global warming.They do not want to admit this.The heat wave is finally slowly waning.Good post there.
comment by fredo on July 29, 2010 9:34 AM ()
Scary, really... thanks for posting this info.
comment by kristilyn3 on July 29, 2010 8:48 AM ()
Warming includes brutal winters, believe it or not, particularly in the temperate zones, more rains and ugly storms, and much longer heat waves.
comment by jondude on July 29, 2010 5:13 AM ()
One of these days you'll wake up and your house will be on the sea shore. The cats will enjoy the change of view.
comment by troutbend on July 28, 2010 9:52 PM ()
Not unless I move. Ohio will always be high and dry, although the lakes are shrinking.
reply by jondude on July 29, 2010 5:11 AM ()
We are breaking records down here in South Florida and I just read a blog at the other site how global warming is a hoax!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 28, 2010 9:24 PM ()
The climate change deniers will wake up some day with their butts in the ocean and their heads still sleeping on their pillows.
reply by jondude on July 29, 2010 5:12 AM ()
Very dismaying. Dare I complain about our too-hot summer? (Of course, I also complained about our too cold winter last season). My exercise routine is totally messed up.
comment by tealstar on July 28, 2010 9:10 PM ()

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