Buster always wants equal time, so here's his story: He slipped his collar the other night when we were out for their bedtime walk and he had no intention of coming back into the house until he was good and ready. Donna looked for him around 2 a.m. and although the motion lights kept going on and off regularly, he wasn't ready yet, so she went to bed too. I let Benny out to wiz at 4a.m. and still no Buster. finally, at 7 when I let Benny out before breakfast, Buster dragged is ass up the steps. It had been raining/drizzling on and off all night, but he came in dry. I figure he must have been hiding out under the trailer. Anyway, this is how he looked for the rest of the morning:

Aside from that, there's not much going on. My $350 chainsaw bit the dust after 5 years and 20 cords. The guys at the shop seem to think that I got my money's worth, but that's a bit steep. One guy suggested that I spend $600 for a saw that would last for 20 years. I reminded the guy that I'm 61 and that discussion ended.
Just life.....