Now here is a real man-tool! Only thing is, I haven't used one before, and I've heard tell that they can be dangerous. I've been learning everything I can about using one of these puppies, but talk isn't the same thing as experience. I haven't fired this baby up yet, but it's a good brand, and it's supposed to run nice and smooth, compared to the cheaper models.
The Firewood will be delivered in a week or two, so I still have a little time to learn what I need to know. Donna, ole country girl that she is, may already have more experience with this than I do, so maybe I'll have to let her use my man-tool first!
Most folks know that the price of heating oil has been above four bucks for quite awhile. As wood becomes more popular as a fuel and the price of delivery goes up, wood becomes more expensive too. Face cords are going for $60 around here, and that's more than I want to pay, so I'm getting a tri-axle truck load of logs for $600.
Have another look at the beauty!

Tomorrow I'll finish reading the manual, and maybe I'll fire the mother up if they say it's Ok to leave gas and oil in it! Then the wood will come, and I'll have some nice September days for cutting! I'll be splitting the bigger pieces by hand, and I've been told that they split real nicely on a cold morning! Ah.. a cup of coffee and the smell of exhaust! It doesn't get any better than this!