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The Mccain Supporters Have Convinced Me
The Mccain Supporters Have Convinced Me
I've been reading a lot in email for the past too many months about why Obama isn't a suitable choice for president of the United States. Let's see.. he was tired one evening after months of campaigning, and in a discussion of how many states he had visited he said that he had visited 50. Then he realized that he hadn't actually been to all fifty quite yet. So, instead of saying 47 he stammered a bit and said 57. Well good grief! How could a guy like this even think of being elected president? It's like a parent calling his or her kid by a sibling's name! What a disgrace!
And why is it that if people see something on youtube it must be meaningful? Apparently this piece about 57 states is as famous on youtube as it is in email. If a friend forwards an email to you it must be valid because you know the person who sent it? It's amazing how gullible some folks are. If a half-truth or non-truth somehow fits into an established schema, it's to be believed no matter how ridiculous it would otherwise seem under careful scrutiny. Thirty-second soundbites are great for controversy, but without context, they have very little meaning.
I can also understand how thinly veiled racism can be used as part of the anti-Obama campaign. But listen-up people! African-Americans have been voting for white candidates for well over a hundred years. Race by itself is not a reason to reject a candidate. Now of course there's Jackson and Sharpton, and Obama's crazed preacher, but unlike Jackson and Sharpton, Obama distanced himself from the crazed Rev when he saw that the Rev was trying to capitalize on his relationship with Obama. This shows much more character than Sharpton ever had when he was hoodwinked by Tawana Brawley many years ago. To this day Sharpton has not come clean and apologized for the ruckus he caused!
I have probably read other anti-Obama rhetoric over the past many months that doesn't come to mind at the moment, perhaps for the same reason that I disregard the "57 states" and the crazed Rev. If this is the best the anti-Obama gang can do, then Obama really can't be such a bad guy. So thanks McCain supporters and anti-Obama pundits! I'm convinced. I'm on board with Obama in '08! (Sorry Bugg:))
One other thing: I should acknowledge that not all anti-Obama bigots are McCain supporters, but I liked the title of this post so I went with it. You didn't expect 100% accuracy here, did you?
posted on Aug 30, 2008 2:08 PM ()
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