Summer came late this year. Two trips to the hospital in April and May took a bit of energy and I didn't really feel good until sometime in July. We had one really hot week (as opposed to one super-hot month like Oklahoma and Texas) but it's been damn pleasant most of the time! The garden is doing well, although Donna harvested a tomato the other day that was affected by something--fortunately it doesn't appear to be the blight that killed all the tomatoes two or three years ago.

We'll be heading for Geezer Camp in a few weeks. The last planning committee meeting was today, and everything seems to be in place. Donna will be facilitating a crocheting forum and I shall just be attending workshops and having some outdoor time--we'll be staying in our own camper. Hopefully I'll be coming home knowing more about local tree species (and whatever else I signed up for) but I expect to have a good time no matter what.
The wood pile is getting smaller, but it's been one royal pain. Twice I tried to have the chains for the saw professionally sharpened and twice something went wrong. So I bought a new chain and got 25 cuts before the saw started to loose pep. The chain shouldn't be dull so soon, so maybe the saw needs a new spark plug. Who knows, but at 25 pieces per day, I'll be cutting wood well into next summer!
A few contractors came by today to submit bids on some work that needs to be done before winter. Snow and metal roofs don't mix well, so stops need to be attached and new vent pipes need to be installed after last winter's snow bent them. Both bathrooms need work, but that shouldn't be an issue. We can always shower on the coach if the surrounds in the bathroom showers aren't completed in a timely manner.
That's about the shape of this simmer. Last year it was rebuilding the garage after the fire, this year is this work and cutting wood. But I enjoy my time outside whether I'm working or sitting in front of a wood fire, so, as they say, it's all good!
Stay cool. I hear it won't be until next month that the south cools down, but what is one to do?