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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > I Have the Urge ... .

I Have the Urge ... .

Yeah, if you know me well enough your mind went in "that" direction.... You're right, of course. I lost some weight after the last two stays in the hospital and the urge to get it on comes often, and shall we say, hard. Geez... this has nothing to do with why I came here.... I had the urge to blog.

I enjoyed the recent posts about peoples' neighborhoods and surroundings, and I have every intention of doing one. I didn't get around to it yet, but we were heading over one of the back roads this morning and Donna wanted a picture of some round bales along the road. I had my camera handy, and the scene did inspire me. It was a beautiful day, warm, but not humid, and a few clouds here and there, but not cloudy... anyway, here's a few of the scenery pics...

Sale of the place Donna owned when we met is scheduled for Monday, so we went to remove the last of the clutter--I mean treasures--today. Fortunately we've been moving crap--I mean treasures--for years, so there isn't all that much left, but it all (Ok, mostly off) has to come. She did leave behind a few things, but.. oh well, the more I say the deeper in $hit I'll get, so enough... The best part is that I won't have to go up there and mow lawn every two weeks! That will give me back a few extra days of summer...

Speaking of summer, I should have taken a few garden pics on my way in. There are nice-sized green tomatoes and tiny peppers and beans. We should have ripe 'maters by the end of the month, and hopefully everything else will follow shortly. Last year we were giving squash away by the box-full but none of the squash varieties have flowered yet.

So, that's the short story, nothing much happening... I hit a root the other day with the new riding mower and twisted a blade, but sixty-eight bucks later, I had it running the next day. Chains are being sharpened for the second time, after the last place ripped me off last season, but I'll be cutting wood by the end of the week. Geezer camp is next month, and we're manning the booth at Fair on the Square next Friday to promote it. If your on fb you can see what Geezer Camp is about at:

Have a great summer... hopefully you've started already, since in these parts, at least, it's half over!

posted on July 9, 2011 4:42 PM ()


The Pictures almost looked like post cards. They were so vivid and
comment by elderjane on Aug 9, 2011 11:23 AM ()
That is really a lovely picture of the meadow with the hay. I think we
got a first cutting but with this heat, I bet there won't be a second
comment by elderjane on July 13, 2011 7:14 AM ()
Loved the scenery. Was interested in a look at the house you were selling. Just interested in old houses.
comment by tealstar on July 11, 2011 7:20 AM ()
Thanks for the lovely pictures and a catch-up on what you and Donna are up to these days. How nice to consolidate to one house. If you don't label the boxes of treasures very well and stack them in a shed, in a few years when she comes across them she'll realize she didn't even miss them so might as well leave them in the boxes and donate them. Anyhow, that's how it's been working out around here.
comment by troutbend on July 10, 2011 4:26 PM ()
NOTHING stays in the garage or shed, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING goes to the basement. We brought a wall lamp from her place awhile ago. I hung it in the garage after construction was completed last fall. Every time she notices it, she says she wants it back. It's too "gurly" for a garage. I should hang a fluorescent fixture from the ceiling... I end up saying that if she was a real woman, she'd hang a curtain on the garage window, and the lamp is still on the wall... Never a dull moment!
reply by jjoohhnn on July 10, 2011 7:25 PM ()
Great shots there.
comment by fredo on July 10, 2011 8:53 AM ()
Thanks Fredo!
reply by jjoohhnn on July 10, 2011 7:22 PM ()
Hey I could use a bale of cotton!!!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 9, 2011 6:57 PM ()
Jump down, turn around.. oops, that isn't cotton. And ya can't feed hey to a boat!
reply by jjoohhnn on July 10, 2011 7:21 PM ()

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