We just had a record October snow storm that seemed to last for days since the lake-effect flurries continued long after the storm moved off. Some areas got two feet and more, although we only got a few inches here at 1600 feet.

Donna is in week 9 of the Fall semester and along with a few easy courses on adult development and aging, she's taking stats for the behavioral sciences. I studied this stuff almost 20 years ago, so I told her there'd be no problem--I'd help her when needed. She's taking the course online, and without a live instructor at the black board, it's almost like teaching yourself--not a good way to learn stats. So I've been "refreshing" my memory... trying to stay one chapter ahead of her. But crap!! I can't believe how much of this stuff is gone from my memory!
I was making good progress with the woodpile and fall leaf raking until the snow came. Just as well, since I need time for stats, but raking leaves in the fall is so much easier than cleaning up in the spring when they are all matted down.

My next unplanned project for this afternoon is to copy all the phone numbers and notes out of my cell phone. I use the thing as an address book, but something wrong with it--can't make or receive calls, so I'm going to try resetting it after I get the valuable info out.
Hope you day is more exciting than that.....