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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Bubba Go Home!

Bubba Go Home!

Work on the house reminds me of the Twilight Zone. The same day is relived over and over, day after day. But there is finally light at the end of the hall!

The contractor is a recent transplant to the area as so many of us are. That is part of his difficulty in getting started in business up here. He needs to have accounts at all the local building supply companies and he needs to have a cash reserve before he bids jobs. He waits to get paid from previous jobs, and when the money doesn't come as promised, he goes down to Long Island and makes $240 a day working at his family's tree-cutting business. So Bubba gets left behind working the upstate jobs while the "boss" goes downstate to finance the next phase of the current job.

Bubba likes to talk and we are getting to know each other way too well. I really want them finished and out of there. Bathroom #1 needs a piece of tile (Bubba forgot to look up) and the threshold that separates the hardwood floor in the hall from the new linoleum in the bathroom. Then #1 will be finished.

The tub area in #2 is also finished and he started on the floor today. The subfloor is in and he should be able to finish that up tomorrow. The exhaust fans were vented by the boss before he left for the Island this afternoon, and all the electrical outlets that needed to be upgraded to grounded and GFRI were finished on Saturday (Yup, they worked from 10-3 last Saturday)!

Now that the daytime temps are in the 30s almost every day, the geniuses are almost, and I repeat for emphasis, ALMOST ready to think about doing the siding. Bubba said this afternoon that boss-man was thinking about asking if that could wait until spring! Well, actually, it could. The only thing that absolutely needs doing now is the snow guards that keep the snow from shooting off the metal roof all at once. Aside from the consequences on the ground, which includes a compressed mountain of ice, the snow damages the vent pipes on the roof as it builds up behind them. So yeah, that has to be done.

Buster slipped his collar at 11 this morning and decided that freedom was something to be cherished at any cost. We knew when he was down the pasture aways after the dogs in a pen made more noise than usual. Then... the bay of a coonhound and we knew where he was. The freedom is actually good for him as long as he stays away from the highway, and so far, he has.

All the stuff we need to buy for Christmas is bought and under the tree. Not much else happening, which is fine. I need to gut a bit more wood and I should be able to do that soon. I burn on my f-finger of my right hand has made everything difficult. Tonight I can finally type with much difficulty, so it is getting better, slow but sure... can't have a scab on the end of a finger....

Yawl have a Merry Christmas and whatever else you celebrate. But I might be back before that.... I posted a pic of the tree on fb, but I'll stick it here if I still have it for those who aren't fortunate enough to partake in fb.

Crap! The pic is too large by 90.1 kb.

posted on Dec 12, 2011 5:37 PM ()


Sorry I'm so late in replying. Lots of news here. Have a Merry Christmas!
comment by solitaire on Dec 19, 2011 5:59 AM ()
Just read your blog about history and ancestors. I was thinking about writing, but that's too much like work. I think I'll do some youtube videos. Then not only can the nieces benefit from family history, but kids who want to know what life was like before the Internet can get a feel for that. Yup, good idea!
Have a Happy!
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 19, 2011 9:38 AM ()
I hate having strangers under my feet and with my myriad of house problems
it has been awful. The tile in the bathroom has been down a long time but
the memory of having Luke the viking under foot has not.
comment by elderjane on Dec 14, 2011 6:56 AM ()
I think Bubba is better than Luke the Viking! Have a merry Christmas...
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 19, 2011 9:36 AM ()
Hope the start of New Year will be great for you.
Tree is lovely just like you.
comment by fredo on Dec 13, 2011 11:52 AM ()
Aw gee, thanks, and have a Happy!
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 19, 2011 9:35 AM ()
I saw your tree on fb. It's lovely. Merry Christmas.
comment by redimpala on Dec 13, 2011 11:05 AM ()
Merry Christmas to you too.. although I might get to blog about getting these guys out of the house before then!
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 19, 2011 9:34 AM ()
'nothing to show for it when I move on' welcome to 2011
comment by greatmartin on Dec 12, 2011 8:00 PM ()
What a pretty tree. I hope they haven't been paid for the siding in advance because if you wait for next spring, they might not be in business any more. It sounds like they are on shaky ground right now. Not saying they intend this, things can get beyond their control.
comment by troutbend on Dec 12, 2011 6:10 PM ()
They are not paid for anything upfront. That is part of their problem. They don't have the resources of a bigger company, but that makes them more affordable. The contract calls for the work to be completed by 21 December, which won't happen, so I'll go from there.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 12, 2011 6:19 PM ()
Picture looks good!

I'm so glad I rent--all I have to do is call the landlord
comment by greatmartin on Dec 12, 2011 6:04 PM ()
Renting has its advantages, but I never liked the idea of paying out big bucks and having nothing to show for it when I move on. I've only moved a few times, but always turned a healthy profit to move on to the next place. Then there's the issues that Donna's daughter and family face. The last house they rented was sold out from under them right after the school year started for the kids. But when the time comes that I can't handle firewood and the pumps during the inevitable flood, I'll be looking into senior housing.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 12, 2011 6:17 PM ()
I stuck a link from fb into this post, which is why the right side is cut off.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 12, 2011 5:44 PM ()
Have you heard of Martingale collars? Dogs can't slip out of them too easily and they are available a lot of places.
Sorry about your finger, and sorry about the contractors...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 12, 2011 5:42 PM ()
Nope, haven't heard of Martingale. He usually wears a harness, which he has no problem with, but for whatever reason, I didn't put it on him this morning. Guess I didn't plan to stay out as long as I did. We were in the shed where I was trying to start a pump, and he didn't seem to like it, so he pulled backward.
reply by jjoohhnn on Dec 12, 2011 5:54 PM ()

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