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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > I AM That I AM

I AM That I AM

I've been on and off the computer all weekend. After all, a holiday weekend is supposed to be a time to get some rest, isn't it? The weather finally turned passable on Saturday and was really nice on Sunday and Monday, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get things done outside. We're keeping Donna's place until her daughter and kids are financially stable enough to move into it, so I want the place to look good! It's kind of like having a vacation place, and I make the best of it! And it looks good today! The grass at the Delhi house will be two feet tall in places when we get back, and I already have a few flats of vegetables to plant, but the weather is supposed to stay nice for a few days, so I'll get caught up!

I read a bunch of "happy posts" over the weekend. Folks out all over the country having a great time! Then this morning, I read a post by Jim (Hayduke) about his experience over the weekend. It's always empowering to read a post about the power of the present, and I felt an overwhelming urge to comment (which I did).

But I think it poor blogging etiquette to post too much in the comments section of a neighbor's blog, so here I am with the rest of what I didn't say on Jim's site.

Do you recognize the title of this post as a famous quote from long ago? It was attributed to God in the Bible. When I was a child being indoctrinated into an organized religion, I was taught that God meant by this that He had no beginning and no end. Well hell, he's God! He could have said that if that's what he meant to say!

I have since heard a different explanation of the maining of this quote, and it makes much more sense.

I am that I am makes no mention of a past or a future, and that is the point. God was saying that he *is*! That's all, just is!


In the Present! "I am" Not I was or I will be:

I Am!

We also can "be". The comment I made to Jim is that he is not his intellect. He is the being, the consciousness where intellect takes place. We each create our own reality out of our thoughts, but our thoughts are not reality.

So, buddy, enjoy the waves with your furry companion; enjoy the sight of a freshly-mowed lawn as I did over the weekend. Watch the geese come in for a landing on the river.. Take tome to "be"!

When we realize that we can be the *watcher* or our thought, instead of a slave to them, we experience a new freedom.

posted on May 27, 2008 8:23 AM ()


Nicely done. Glad you enjoyed the weekend. It was the perfect start to what will hopefully be a beautiful summer.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 28, 2008 3:45 PM ()
I like this. Guess I'll mosey on over to read that other post as well.
comment by jerms on May 27, 2008 8:20 PM ()
I'll have to read Hayduke's post. I usually love what he has to say. This was a great post as well.
comment by redimpala on May 27, 2008 6:50 PM ()
Great post John, glad you had a great weekend - hope you get to planting out those veggies in time.
comment by lynnie on May 27, 2008 5:34 PM ()
Very good post, my friend
comment by teacherwoman on May 27, 2008 4:13 PM ()
Yes,we should take time off from this.
Sunday do not blog,just get caught up on comments.
I am what I am.
comment by fredo on May 27, 2008 9:40 AM ()
Great post John..I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend
comment by elfie33 on May 27, 2008 9:16 AM ()
A good personal credo and daily life guide: I am that I am.
comment by looserobes on May 27, 2008 8:34 AM ()
"I yam that I yam!" --Popeye
comment by jondude on May 27, 2008 8:33 AM ()
His post was amazing today. I totally agree. Glad ya had a good weekend!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 27, 2008 8:31 AM ()

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