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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Zen, Dogs and Casco Bay

Zen, Dogs and Casco Bay

Nothing lasts.
The Buddhists are absolutely correct. The more of life that I experience, the more I accept the Zen tenet that everything is temporary.
Mary, Dixie and I are in Maine on this Memorial Day long weekend. Our house in Harpswell Neck overlooking the peaceful Casco Bay is always a wonderful place to come and get collected again after time spent in the work-a-day world.
Mary and I do a little yard work. She has a trellis next to a crab apple tree in the spacious back yard facing the ocean where she tends to her lupine plants and tulips. I mow the grass for about an hour, then the rest of the weekend is spent playing the hammer dulcimer, reading, writing, and just vegging out.
As I was standing on our upper deck playing my dulcimer and looking out onto the sea, I happened to glance down at my neighbor’s yard.
Karen and Jimmy’s yard is always a riot of color which emanates from their multiple and meticulous gardens. And there is always activity, conversation and laughter in the yard where Jim is constantly working on one major wood-working project or another.
However, on this particular day, something is different. Something is just a little melancholy amidst all of that gaiety.
There is an emptiness there. A void that I cannot right away identify. A vacancy. An eerie stillness. And then it strikes me; it’s Casey.
Casey is gone.
Jimmy and Karen’s five year old boxer dog is dead.
She was just the sweetest little girl that you could ever imagine! Always friendly and excited, always full of life’s energy with a tongue as big as a car wash sponge that would soak your face with appreciation and greetings.
You’ve never seen such a joyful creature in your whole life.
She sure seemed like she would live forever.
But she had meningitis.
She was put down three weeks ago.
Casey is now no more.
I remember a few months ago when a group of Buddhist monks had come to Hartford, CT to put on a display of Zen sand painting. The Hartford Courant ran a two-page spread, complete with beautiful, full-color pictures of the event.
Zen sand painting is a form of art using loose, colored sand as the medium to create elaborate and stunning designs within the confines of, for lack of a better word, a sandbox. The monks labored for days to create the pictures, meticulously pouring the sand and patiently moving it around on the "canvas" with sticks and fingers. After countless hours of close and intricate work, they produced three masterpieces that would take your breath away. However, if you wanted to view these works of art in person, you had to move quickly, because twenty-four hours after they were completed, the monks ritualistically destroyed them. Threw them to the winds. Scattered them to the four corners of the earth. The paintings were just symbols of the monks’ core belief that nothing in the universe is permanent.
All of that work! All of that beauty!
Nothing lasts forever.
No matter how much we try to make things last, the word "permanent" is not in Nature’s vocabulary.
If it’s sunny out today, rain will follow.
If a winter storm hits today, tomorrow the sun will shine and sky will be blue.
All creatures live and die.
Youth doesn’t stay.
Every sunrise is different, and as George Harrison said, it doesn’t last all day.
All things must pass.
As the song says, "All we are is dust in the wind."
I went on my morning run with Dixie this morning. The sun was coming up over beautiful Casco Bay as we ran across the rocky beach on a small spit of land that elbows out in the ocean.
I let the dog off of her leash as we ran. She stayed by my side for a few moments, then she darted into the ocean, leaping and splashing! She bit at the waves, completely submerged her entire head in the water. Yipped with what could only be described as unbridled glee.
Nobody threw a stick for her. She didn’t need it. She just played and played and played all by herself, announcing to the world all of the sheer joy that she harbored inside just for being alive.
As I watched her, I stopped running. Tears filled my eyes and thought. "Live forever, Dixie! Don’t ever go!"
Now, I know that I wear my heart on my sleeve about everything. Mary tells me that all of the time. There is nothing half-way about my emotions. (And that is a blessing and curse.)Everybody in the world knows where I stand on every topic because I feel things so passionately that I cannot keep the feelings to myself. I make a few enemies because of that. If I have an opinion on something, the whole world knows about it. (My father used to shake his head at me when I would voice opinions that angered people. He would chuckle almost to himself and say, "There you go again! You’ve just missed yet another golden opportunity to keep your goddamned mouth shut!")
So, the grief that I felt watching my beautiful little German Shepherd frolic with abandon in the waters of Casco Bay was very, very real. There was no denying the lump in my throat. My urge to hug my dog, no matter how wet she was, was uncontrollable. I didn’t care that the front of my shirt and jogging pants got soaked with sea water. I needed to feel my friend close to me at that particular instant.
I wished, for a moment, that I was like her and was completely ignorant of the fate that awaits all of us. How wonderful it must be to be completely unaware that this will not last forever. That we all will grow old. That we all die.
Then, I caught myself.
You goddamned idiot! The dog is having the time of her life! You are presently in one of the most beautiful places on the face of the earth!
You have your health! Others would kill for your life! You are loved my a wonderful woman! It’s a beautiful day! And YOU’RE IN A PLAY!

That’s the secret. – the present.
Right then, at that very moment, all of the little truisms and sayings about living life struck me for the first time as being totally relevant and extremely important. It suddenly became crystal clear to me that we must make our plans for the future, but mustn’t live for solely for them. Dreams may never reach fruition. We may never live to see them. We must enjoy and cherish the only thing that we ever really have, and that is this moment. That’s it!
The present is all that we ever really have, and it lasts less than a nano-second. By the time you realize you are in the present, THAT present is GONE!
So, I should look at Dixie and love her NOW! Look at the world, and LOVE it now. This moment will not last. It will not be here a minute from now.
Every day I wake up, I am different person. Time and experiences change me. Even the smallest, most insignificant experiences have effects on my life.
I should rejoice now! Play now! And never miss an opportunity to show or speak of love to those whom I love. I may not have another time to do so.
Therefore, if I were to give advice to anybody who asked, I would say, "Embrace life and seize the day. HUG it with all of your might, not so that you’ll never let it go, but so that you can just truly appreciate it while it’s here. Don’t wait for a better time to do it; there may not ever be one.
Appreciate this sand painting that is your present reality right this very second. Love it with your WHOLE HEART right now!
"It will be blowing in the wind before the next hour passes, and it will never, ever come back."

posted on May 27, 2008 4:53 AM ()


GOD spelled backwards is DOG...Dogs are such great teachers. Glad you posted all of this I sure enjoy how it flowed and your description ...I was along for the ride..thanks for the "trip"
comment by anacoana on May 31, 2008 12:46 PM ()
Jim, while I was off, I read all of your posts, and this one is the hardest to respond to. It is so true... all we have is the present and we must make the most of it. Wonderful, helpful advise! Thank you for your wisdom...
comment by sunlight on May 30, 2008 8:38 PM ()
The comment section was ALMOST as good as the post. I always (well almost) love reading your stuff. Ya know, I probably never loved anyone as much as my Grandma but when she died I didn't cry. My Cocker spainel "Lil Bit" died and I wept like a little girl. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once, "The more I meet people, the better I like my dog." Your a very good writer Jim, and very uplifting. I needed some optimism today....thanks.
comment by justmyopinion on May 29, 2008 5:58 PM ()
Great post.
"Embrace life and seize the day. HUG it with all of your might, not so that you’ll never let it go, but so that you can just truly appreciate it while it’s here. Don’t wait for a better time to do it; there may not ever be one."
I love that.
comment by mattguru18 on May 29, 2008 5:17 PM ()
Great points...great compassion...
comment by strider333 on May 28, 2008 7:43 PM ()
We;ve had a number of opportunities to meet Tibetan Monks in Spring Green Wisconsin at a place called "Global View" we visit every year. The first time I seen them doing a Mandala, I was amazed...better yet stunned. The other thing that really struck me was what a great sense of humor they had....they smiled all the time. When they told us to return when they were going to scattered this incredible work of art into the river, I was even more surprised. This was many years ago being I truly grasped impermance. You say it well here...and I love the simplicity of Buddhism...the end of suffering and desire.

These Mandalas constructed from sand are unique to Tibetan Buddhism and are to effect purification and healing. Typically, a great teacher chooses the specific mandala to be created. Monks then begin construction of the sand mandala by consecrating the site with sacred chants and music. Next, they make a detailed drawing from memory. Over a number of days, they fill in the design with millions of grains of colored sand. At its completion, the mandala is consecrated. The monks then enact the impermanent nature of existence by sweeping up the colored grains and dispersing them in flowing water.

This was an excellent post my friend truly.
comment by strider333 on May 28, 2008 7:42 PM ()
Ah! A dulcimer-playing thespian waxing philosophic! How VERY talented you are, Jim! Your description of Casco Bay and the sand-art of the monks was very descriptive. And your encouragement to live in the present moment and really FEEL it - is a great reminder to not get caught up in the past or fret about the future. Eckhart Tolle would say that you've "awakened" - a term that means you are living consciously and intentionally. BTW, thank you for missing me!
comment by november on May 28, 2008 5:44 PM ()
Absolutely beautifully done. Moving and inspiring.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 28, 2008 3:50 PM ()
Beautiful post! I could feel the spray from the ocean and smell the fresh air right along with you. Sounds like jjoohhnn was talking about Mindfulness. It's a Buddhist practice that reminds me of the "Be Here Now" thing that was popular in the 70s. Essentially, it means to do one thing in the moment and focus on it totally. Google it and you can find out more. There are podcasts about it in iTunes, too.
comment by catdancer on May 28, 2008 9:58 AM ()
Sammy was my love. I miss him every day since he died over a year ago, an unwitting victim of the tainted dog food. Those moments we had together, my arms wrapped around his big old head and him giving me that doggie hug -- you know where they lean into you when you hug them -- those moments are forever etched on my memory. I still remember the softness of his fur and the way he would look at me. Today, I have Bo and Judah and I cherish each moment with them as well. I've lost so many people in my life, as well as furbabies, we must live every moment and enjoy it to its fullest. Amen
comment by teacherwoman on May 28, 2008 5:45 AM ()
That's me clapping furiously in the background! Hear it??! Loved this post. Thanks.
comment by jerms on May 27, 2008 8:24 PM ()
Yep we must enjoy each and everyday. Aren't furkids wonderful? They are always there for us and we love being there for them hugging them wet, muddy, or not.
comment by texastar on May 27, 2008 3:56 PM ()
What a wonderfully inspirational post! I couldn't agree more with every word! It sounds like you, Mary and Dixie share a really beautiful corner of the earth.
comment by mellowdee on May 27, 2008 3:28 PM ()
I keep reading this over and over. I love it.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 27, 2008 2:35 PM ()
I'm speechless. Great post. Thanks.
comment by solitaire on May 27, 2008 1:20 PM ()
Don't worry about lil ole me. But thanks!
I believe you with the positive thoughts, I truly do. I need to find them again. I do not see anything positive in my day at the moment while I am at work, which is where I spend most of my awake time of course.
I am in a major funk at the moment. This too shall pass, and I certainly hope sooner rather than later.
In other news, I have applied for other jobs today, so that kinda helps. I applied for a county library position as well. I think I need to do something COMPLETELY different until I can actually go towards my dream!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 27, 2008 12:23 PM ()
I swear this is the best post I've read in forever..*gives you a big ole squishy hug* FANTASTIC!!!
comment by elfie33 on May 27, 2008 9:23 AM ()
Learned to 'live in the moment' almost 40 years ago--still 'slip' now and then but it makes for a great life--I know today will be one of the best days of my life no matter what happens!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 27, 2008 8:34 AM ()
Amen to the present. I say this as I look out the window and watch one of our cats rolling in the dirt beside the woodpile, soaking in the morning sun, oblivious to all but her momentary pleasure.
comment by looserobes on May 27, 2008 7:35 AM ()
"The present is all that we ever really have, and it lasts less than a nano-second. By the time you realize you are in the present, THAT present is GONE!"
This is true only when you experience life with the intellect. But you are not your intellect. You are the being (consciousness)where your intellect takes place. Be the "watcher" of your intellect and you will experience presence. We too can experience the joy of the waves when we realize that our thoughts are also temporary; we need not let them interrupt the pleasure of moment. Granted, it takes practice, just as everything else worth learning does, but it's something to "think" about!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 27, 2008 7:35 AM ()
AWESOME post. Carpe diem. PS. I can't believe you play the dulcimer! My brother in law that lives in Orlando plays the dulcimer and has a big group of friends that come over once and month and they play together, go camping, have festivals, etc. What a cool world this is when I get to meet people like you.What don't you and Mary do?????
comment by cindy on May 27, 2008 6:42 AM ()
Man I wish I had your optimism... While you say hug the day - which part? The grueling wake up to an alarm part? The part where I come into work (after fighting in traffic) with a frown as large as Texas while feeling nothing but dread and disgust? The part where I smile at bosses and say "Sure" while biting my tongue so what I really want to say to them doesn't come out? The part where I go home, but not before fighting in traffic? The 2 1/2 hours at night that R and I have together? Yeah, I guess I'll go with that....
GREAT post. I love it. I wish I had your optimism mister. Can ya bottle it up and send some my way?
comment by kristilyn3 on May 27, 2008 6:39 AM ()
What a great post. You have given me thoughts to think as I start my day.
Thank you
comment by grumpy on May 27, 2008 6:20 AM ()

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