Here are the goals I've accomplished:
1). I finished reading the Stephen King book entitled 11/22/63. It’s about a man that travels back in time to stop JFK’s assassination. This was a great read! It isn't a book about the Kennedy assassination, about bad guys or monsters, or even about time-travel. It's a book about if you could change the past, would you? And, perhaps more importantly -- should you? Choices, the paths we take and the ones we miss. If you know someone who doesn't read King because they don't like all the scary stuff, try giving them this, and I can almost guarantee they will love it.
2)My Mom, sister, and I ended up seeing Les Miserables and Lincoln in the theater. I liked it a lot. I was caught off guard that it was 3 hours of singing, and no dialogue at all.
Lincoln I really loved. Wow, what an incredible film. The casting director did an excellent job choosing the leading actor. His portrayal of Lincoln was perfect right down to the way he looked, talked, and moved. I liked seeing Sally Field playing Mary Todd Lincoln, she's a great actress. I loved her in Forest Gump and all the other films she's been in.
3)Registration for classes is complete. Got all my classes so I'm happy about that.
4)Hanging out with friends and family suffered a bit. I went to another LGBTQ get together with my friends from college which was fun. We ended up going to an under 21 dance club - most of the music sucked (I hate techno and dance music), but the night was a lot of fun. Here's a picture of me and two of my friends taken that night.

Just a few more things to tell you. My Mom is fostering a new group of cats again. There is Marley and Jaxy:

And lastly, here is Bitta. She's a little cat that my Mom is seriously thinking of adopting. Cute, eh?

Hope everyone is well.
Congrats on meeting some of your goals, that's much better than none!