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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > All over the Place

All over the Place

My uncle was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. He had to retire early from the Sheriff's department here in Milwaukee because of it. I think the symptoms were beginning to affect his ability to safely do his job. It was a shame since he really loved being a deputy.

Work is going well. I'm not as anxious as I was in the beginning. I have my ups and downs like everyone on the job. Its a great learning environment and its really interesting since no project is the same. The only con of the job is that sometimes the older workers have a sense of entitlement and lack patience with new or younger workers. They tend to be the ones to yell and use verbal abuse a lot on the project site. I suppose that is what caused me the most anxiety in the beginning - now I realize not to take it so personally. One of the cool aspects of the job is how food trucks come to us. We don't even have to pack lunches if we don't want to. I usually do in order to save money, but most of the guys buy from the various trucks. The food is great usually.

My dad put LED lights on our deck - cool idea! The deck was also wired with outside sound. My parents do a lot of entertaining outside during the summer, so the deck is getting plenty of use.

I got back from the Color Shock Music and Arts Festival held in Chicago this weekend. It was fantastic! This year’s music lineup had around 100 artists and featured 3 full days of great variety. I intentionally took off work Friday in order to see The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Tom Petty who are two of my favorite musical artists. They also had enormous tents for dancing in. It was really an awesome time! I met so many cool new friends. Adam had to take the Amtrak back last night, but I met two really cool guys who let me stay with them. I got a picture of the three of us together. I was so exhausted, but had a great time!

You should definitely go to one of these festivals if you get a chance. You are never really alone at those festivals - so many people! And lots of fun!

Here are some extra photos from the Festival (mostly of me...I know, narcissistic much? :-P) No more shirtless though, I promise.


Fun times!

posted on July 28, 2013 10:36 AM ()


Sad news about your uncle, I am sorry...
the rest seems great!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 4, 2013 12:23 PM ()
Thanks...sorry I'm late to replying.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 14, 2013 11:55 AM ()
I am glad you had a fun time before starting the study grind. It might be a relief after the hard work of the summer. Jayden, I am so proud of you for
learning a bit of construction while getting your degree. More architects
should do this. I am thinking of a friend who always plans houses and the
roofs always leak.
comment by elderjane on July 29, 2013 6:24 AM ()
Thanks! Yes, this summer was definitely packed with a lot of fun times and memories for me. I am looking forward to returning to my normal schedule again with classes and school activities.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 14, 2013 11:57 AM ()
Sorry to hear about your uncle. It's one thing for someone to retire early because they are ready, but too bad when it's forced by health problems. Food trucks are all the thing these days, the ones we hear about on the Food Network charge as much as a sit-down restaurant - their food had better be good!
comment by troutbend on July 28, 2013 3:11 PM ()
I appreciate what you said about my uncle. He was pretty down about having to retire early, but he's a resilient man and will do just fine. I'm sure he will continue to participate on a volunteer level for as long as he can with his department. He will always be a valuable asset to their team. It seems like cops and sheriff deputies are very, very tight knit and take care of their own.
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 14, 2013 12:02 PM ()
wow!I guess that you did have a great time and so nice to be with the young people there.
But as you know this is not for me.Great for the younger generation.I do like their music though.Sorry,to hear about your uncle there and this is tough.No one like to give up their job because of the tragic illness.Maybe he can be some sort of help there in a different way?
The porch sounds great and LED light are also.Enjoy the rest of the Summer before heading back to college.You are going back?yes
comment by fredo on July 28, 2013 1:15 PM ()
Thanks Fredo! Yes, I had a fantastic time at the festival - will definitely go again next year if I've got the money. My uncle is old school and doesn't believe in any of the newer treatments for parkinson's that are not yet FDA approved. I'm hoping maybe he will change his mind, but I fear the disease is getting too progressive for any treatment to do much good. And yes, I am returning to college on August 21st..can't wait!
reply by jaydensblog on Aug 14, 2013 12:06 PM ()

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