+Fundamentals of Architectural Design, 3 credits
+Architectural Design 1, 3 credits
+Architectural virtual modeling, 2 credits
+Architecture and Human Behavior, 2 credits
This morning my dad woke me up at 5 a.m. to help fix and paint the backyard fence. I had planned on sleeping in until at least 9 a.m., but that didn't happen. Since I've had the construction job this summer, I've gotten used to getting up at 5 a.m. most mornings, but today was supposed to be a sleep in day..boo. Oh well. The fence had been in need of a fix up and paint for almost two years, but my dad and brother-in-law never could get together to do it. The fixing part sucked, but I enjoyed painting - spent time by myself without my dad looking over my shoulder. We sometimes butt heads, probably because we're both stubborn and like to do things our own way. Its complete, so I'm happy and so is my dad.
My niece just turned 5 months last week. They had a Red Riding Hood theme party for her at our house. Personally I don't think it makes a lot of sense giving a 5 month old a party, but that's what my mom and sister thought would be cute. My sister put my niece Brena in a red riding hood outfit she found at Goodwill. It looked cute, but I kind of felt sorry for the baby by the end of the night. She was really cute though! My dad took this (very dark and grainy...sorry) picture of me holding Brena, and you can kind of make out her outfit she's wearing.

That's it for now. I've got 4 more days left of work for the summer than classes begin next week, which I'm really looking forward to!