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Unusual State Of Being

Education > Colleges & Universities > Time to Grow Up

Time to Grow Up


This summer was more super-busy and stressful than the previous summer breaks. However, summer 2013 was enlightening. I learned more about myself as a person and reflected about my career path.

In my first year of Architecture school, I had become overwhelmed in school. I'll admit it. I dropped courses and was overwhelmed easily. I was thrown into a new curriculum where I felt inferior and isolated by the new class I was with. It seemed like anxiety, stress, lack of sleep and a less than perfect grade in a few classes would screw with the year I thought I would succeed and own. I didn't feel like a student in control of his life at all.

A few months later, right now, I am starting to change my outlook on my current situation in life (or trying my best to). I want to regain that control in my life so not get myself in to a dark stressful place I was last year. Freshman year was not all bad though! I'm a perfectionist and very hard on myself so most of this stems from my expectations (sometimes warped) of what I expected first year of college to be like, instead of the reality of what it actually turned out to be. I want to show myself that it's not the end of the world if things don't work out perfectly or if plans change.

Summer has made me question and reflect on my architecture career path. And, though ambitious as it is, my struggles and this enlightenment has kinda rekindled my goals in continuing in my architecture career path by looking into non-traditional forms of architecture practice. I'm still remaining in architecture. It's great realizing that there's more opportunities with our degree than just aiming for being licensed and practicing in a design firm.

So as I end Summer 2013 - I just gotta say thanks for the lessons. I'm glad for the personal growth I've made. I hope with dedication and effort that I can begin this year on a high note. I know architecture school is not easy, so I'm hoping that this year will be better than the last and let's rock n' roll!!

posted on Sept 1, 2013 3:32 PM ()


growing up is hard to do. You'll figure it out.
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 2, 2013 1:14 PM ()
I agree with Martin. I can track at least five stages of major change in my life. I never anticipated my current role as a care giver but I am trying to
grow into it.
comment by elderjane on Sept 13, 2013 11:02 AM ()
I'm glad to hear that you're adapting to your new caretaker role in life. I guess no matter what age we are, everyone goes through stages of change in life, maybe I just didn't realize that growth/change is a normal process of life and not always a bad thing.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 15, 2013 1:32 PM ()
your going well in the grown up stakes,---keep positive
comment by kevinshere on Sept 3, 2013 2:45 AM ()
Thanks, I'll keep plugging away at it!
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 15, 2013 1:18 PM ()
I'm glad to hear there is more to architecture school than following the traditional career, and it's exciting that you have looked at your situation and decided to stick with it.
comment by troutbend on Sept 1, 2013 6:50 PM ()
yes you do like Martin says you have more than plenty time in maturing.
Take one step at a time and this will be blend in very nicely.
You can do it and keep us proud of your destiny that is going to happen.
Do not be afraid to ask for help.Good luck there.Keep us informed.
comment by fredo on Sept 1, 2013 4:13 PM ()
Thanks Fredo I liked what you said about letting destiny happen.
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 15, 2013 1:24 PM ()
You have plenty of time to grow up--don't 'rush' your life away--lessons will be learned every day you live and life will be more overwhelming than you expect it to be or as often--when things get 'crazy' take a deep breath and (to use an old cliche) 'smell the roses'--it will help you accomplish more and be less stressful!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 1, 2013 3:43 PM ()
That's very good advice, thanks!
reply by jaydensblog on Sept 15, 2013 1:19 PM ()

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