What great news! I'm so happy for you guys...Congratulations!
Glad the surgery on your hand went well and that you're healing quickly. Hopefully your other Christmas gifts to yourself won't require surgery...
Stay warm and safe...WI got hit with freezing cold weather(with -8 windchills) this week, along with snow. It sucks having to go out in it. Rex sounds like a fun dog to have and full of curiosity.
I've watched a couple episodes of Love it or List it. I'm hooked. It will be interesting to hear what you and your husband decide to do with your home. It made me squirm talking about the spiders in your basement, sounds like a horror movie. Skylar is so pretty! She looks good in purple.
So sad to see the homes so damaged. You live in a beautiful area though...wow.
That's so cool the lady from Spain bought a painting of yours. How exciting! I'll need to look back in your posts to see some of your paintings again. I know they were really good...if I'm remembering correctly. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and hopefully the weather will improve by you.
I love cheesecake...
Wow, a great cast! I'll have to check this out. I didn't see the first Hunger Games though, so maybe I need to rent that first and watch it. I'm a huge Philip Seymour Hoffman fan and I agree that Jennifer Lawrence has great facial expressions.
Very cute dog! I do remember you talking about her - the problems you were having with her being shy and all of that. Hope that's improved by now. I always pictured her to be a bigger dog, but she's a perfect size.
Such cute picture of little Skylar - she's so pretty (not as pretty as my niece though...just kidding)
Sorry that I'm so late in wishing you guys Congratulations on your Wedding, and wish you continued love and happiness throughout the years.
I'll send good thoughts her way.
You're an inspiration to me!
Yeah, pretty disappointed with the movie too - was hoping for a lot more action and kick ass thrills, but it didn't really deliver. I'm a huge fan of most of the cast so I was really looking forward to seeing it. Oh well, but I agree about that Liam Hemsworth guy...damn, he's a fine looking man. You got good taste!
That's great to hear Dakota got through his summer class with such a high grade..good for him! Bullying is a big problem in schools, unfortunately, but I'm starting to realize that most bully's are either jealous of the kid they're bullying or are simply lacking in self confidence themselves and picking on others make them feel better about themselves. Does his school have an anti-bullying policy? It's good that your son surrounds himself with friends who he can trust, that's so important. But its also important he knows how to defend himself, too. I was bullied a bit in grade school/high school too - really shot down my self confidence, my dad put me in karate class and my confidence sky rocketed. Just a thought.