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How much time passes between posts... I am trying to type quietly as baby girl sleeps - finally - in the same room as the computer.

Does anyone watch love it or list it? Ron and I are going to evaluate our house in this regard come spring. See, when we bought our humble abode we were 100% focused on dogs, a kennel, and training. We did not think for a second about another human to share space with, especially one so little and fantastic. ha

But anyways, it's a split level house with the giant master on the main level and the other two bedrooms in the basement. I call the basement the bug zone... as many of you have previously read we have some bugs since we are surrounded by trees! I have seen Wolf spiders in the basement and possibly a black widow, although hubby is smart enough to tell me it wasn't. Smart man.

Anyways, I want the baby girl on the same level as us, alas there is no other room on the main floor... so she currently sleeps in a crib in the den. It's fine, but anytime the dogs bark or I get ice from the freezer or laugh too loud she wakes up... and that is problematic of course.

I wasn't planning on talking about any of that! Alas that is what will make this post happen.

I hope all is well with everyone. Here is a pic of Ms. Skylar in her pack and play, I had to laugh because she rolled herself under the changing table part. Love.


She makes me smile.

Happy Wednesday peeps!

posted on Nov 13, 2013 7:28 AM ()


I've watched a couple episodes of Love it or List it. I'm hooked. It will be interesting to hear what you and your husband decide to do with your home. It made me squirm talking about the spiders in your basement, sounds like a horror movie. Skylar is so pretty! She looks good in purple.
comment by jaydensblog on Nov 26, 2013 11:40 AM ()
I've seen a few episodes. It's fun to see the process of fixing up homes to see what can be done on a budget.
Would that mean that you would move into the burbs? Or that you need to find out how the bugs are coming in? You should apply to be on the show!
She's a cutie pie and I can see why you'd be rethinking your living situation. I know it's been rough dealing with the bugs and the weather there. Take care and I hope you can find what will work best for you and soon!
comment by sexysadie on Nov 13, 2013 12:37 PM ()
The first home is always a learning experience, and now you have a better idea of what you do and don't want. There's always going to be bugs out in nature, but maybe there is something about that house that lets more come in.

I think I've watched all the Love it or List it back episodes. One thing I liked about it was that they had a budget, unlike the Mike Holmes house rescue show: people had to make a choice between the fabulous idea and fixing that giant crack in the basement.
comment by troutbend on Nov 13, 2013 9:39 AM ()
Yes, we do love hearing from you and Skylar is a little beauty. A more
conventional houseplan might be more practical. I adore Love it or List It.
comment by elderjane on Nov 13, 2013 9:03 AM ()
very nice there and she looks great.Nice to see you hear.Do not be a stranger as they love hearing from you.
comment by fredo on Nov 13, 2013 7:59 AM ()

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