That happens here in downtown Milwaukee too...just had a drug house raided, police found 10 nearly dead (and severely abused) pitbulls and pit-mixes locked in the basement. I understand about poverty playing into the problem, but its just a poor excuse in my book.
That's a thinker!
Wow, you're a talented lady.
Cool pictures! I've always had an unnatural fascination with crocodile's, but boy am I lucky there aren't any near me! I can't believe people actually risk there lives (and/or limbs) swimming in croc infested waters.
I'm still here... Skylar Helena is so beautiful!! You and your husband must be so enjoying having her. She's getting a lot more fun now too I bet.
Great post as always. I love the Charles Darwin quote.
Too funny
That sounds so good!
Great painting! I'm big into lighthouse paranormal activity - lots of strange activity goes on in those places. They're also really fun to photograph.
He's good at camouflaging to his environment - cute little critter!
I'll watch any movie with John Malkovich - he's amazing.
What's the top appetizer photo? They look like fried cheese poppers - anyway, they look mighty tasty.
Great video and very hot guy (great voice too)
I want to go on a road! Glad you guys had a fun time.
I'm not sure how I feel about this - freedom of press and all that, I guess. Personally I don't like it, won't buy the magazine that's for sure. There are individuals who are boycotting Rolling Stone over the cover story, so at least someone is showing distaste over it. I'm sure there are more people who dislike than like the idea of him on the cover of a popular music magazine.