main things missing from the thriller “Paranoia” are thrills. The
leading man, Liam Hemsworth, is as good looking as they come and
certainly Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman as former friends now out to
destroy each other play their roles to the hilt. Richard Dreyfuss adds
the sympathy, the only sympathy, to the success of Hemsworth who wants
it all and Amber Heard supplies the love interest in a role that
certainly doesn’t give off any thrills as to who will wind up together.
are a few mysteries in the film such as how does Hemsworth rise so fast
showing so little talent in the IT field and just how does Embeth
Davidtz fit in as Oldman’s right hand? The setup, and execution of the
screenplay by Jason Hall and Berry L. Levy, is overshadowed by the
sights and sounds of all the glass office buildings in Manhattan and the
Brooklyn neighborhood.
Robert Luketic keeps the action going with car chases and all kinds of
technical gadgets and throws in a red herring that should be easily seen
through by even a casual moviegoer.
Ford, Dreyfus and Davidtz offer whatever tension there is in the movie
while Hemsworth, Heard, various sets and cars offer relaxation for the
eyes but “Paranoia” should disappear quickly from the large screen and
go to DVD and the small screen.