Here is a bit of information on this.
My Christmas present to myself.
Let known this a hard to pronounce.
Wednesday,I am having surgery on my hand.
This is a hard lump forming on my palm.
Inability to place your palm flat on the surface
Scarlike bands forming across your palm.
Fingers bent toward your palm.
Who get this?
People whose families come from northern European countries are most likely to get this.
I had this for some time and the finger is bending more and time to have it done.
Will be going Wed.morning.
Monday is blood work and EKG to be sure about this type of surgery.
I will not be able to do any tennis playing.Boo Hoo.
Need to rest at least a couple or more weeks.
Depending on the healing process.
So will be spending some time resting at home.
Then will have some type of therapy after.
Hopefully that this will start the new year right.