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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > In a Deep Freeze and Other Nonsense

In a Deep Freeze and Other Nonsense

We have snow with an underlay of ice which makes transportation a worry. The Postman has not been getting
here until about six in the evening. I don't drive in this
mess so we are pretty isolated and rapidly running out of
milk. I can always have Bobby pick some up for me so it
isn't really a worry.

We were delighted by O. U.'s win over Oklahoma State. That
is always such a hard fought football game. I noticed a lot
of empty seats in the stadium because of the weather but
some hearty souls even had tail gate parties before the game.

Rex has been channeling his inner puppy. He is stealing
my underwear and flaunting it about as well as crunching
up Christmas ornaments. He has been trying to scarf up
the bread crumbs I throw out to these hungry birds. The
birds are sheltering on the porch to avoid the snow and

I hope schools will close tomorrow. Stay warm, stay well
and stay safe.

posted on Dec 8, 2013 5:47 AM ()


I adore the Rex updates. He is awesome.
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 17, 2013 6:00 AM ()
Stay warm and safe...WI got hit with freezing cold weather(with -8 windchills) this week, along with snow. It sucks having to go out in it. Rex sounds like a fun dog to have and full of curiosity.
comment by jaydensblog on Dec 10, 2013 10:48 AM ()
I guess we are all in the same plight. Be careful.
reply by elderjane on Dec 13, 2013 6:35 AM ()
We have been really lucky here, the weather has been okay for this time of year. No major snow is forcasted and the temps we be in the 30's.
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 8, 2013 3:52 PM ()
Thirty with no snow sounds good. I have my Christmas shopping done.
reply by elderjane on Dec 9, 2013 6:33 AM ()
So strange to hear (read) accounts form folks down south when it gets a bit chilly! One guy I follow on youtube in Louisiana put a heater in his chicken coop. What's normal up here for four months can close a city down there. But it's not as dangerous as a tornado. Speaking of which: I would have posted a video to you last night it you were still on fb. The guy videoed the tornado and ran inside when he saw it heading for his house. Him and his ole lady and I think a kid (could have been a critter) hid in a dark interior space but you could hear the storm. Only lasted a few seconds, but when the guy brought the camera out into the light you saw most of the walls to his house gone. A ceiling fan was still hanging in the living room, but the place was destroyed. His young wife was hysterical, but he got here and (the other "person") out before the building collapsed. Talk about keeping it real. This was a 2013 event, but I can't remember which state it was in.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 8, 2013 3:26 PM ()
I know. We are big wus's here about snow and ice. For one thing, it is so
infrequent that we don't know how to drive on it. My friend, Hazel, was
in the Moore tornado and lost everything. She and her dog hunkered down
in the bathtub and survived.
reply by elderjane on Dec 9, 2013 6:39 AM ()
Brrr! Just looked at national radar and most of the country is under clouds except Florida.
comment by troutbend on Dec 8, 2013 11:00 AM ()
Enjoy the fun and sun!! Vacations are over all too fast.
reply by elderjane on Dec 9, 2013 6:42 AM ()
Rex sounds like good entertainment. Even though bread isn't the most appealing to dogs, this reminds me of when I used to keep my bird on the floor of the front room, and one day when I went outside, the Australian shepherd across the street ran in my front door, saw the bird and picked him up in his mouth but immediately dropped him, then grabbed the bird's slices of bread and ate them. That was a scary day.
comment by drmaus on Dec 8, 2013 7:21 AM ()
Rex is a lot of fun. He is extremely spoiled and jealous of other animals
that might be getting a sliver of attention. That would have been so scary, seeing your bird scooped up. Thank Heaven for the bread.
reply by elderjane on Dec 9, 2013 6:46 AM ()
After you told us about that bird living in your house, I had a dream that my fox was living in my house. It was one of those where once I woke up it still seemed real.
reply by troutbend on Dec 8, 2013 10:57 AM ()

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