We have snow with an underlay of ice which makes transportation a worry. The Postman has not been getting
here until about six in the evening. I don't drive in this
mess so we are pretty isolated and rapidly running out of
milk. I can always have Bobby pick some up for me so it
isn't really a worry.
We were delighted by O. U.'s win over Oklahoma State. That
is always such a hard fought football game. I noticed a lot
of empty seats in the stadium because of the weather but
some hearty souls even had tail gate parties before the game.
Rex has been channeling his inner puppy. He is stealing
my underwear and flaunting it about as well as crunching
up Christmas ornaments. He has been trying to scarf up
the bread crumbs I throw out to these hungry birds. The
birds are sheltering on the porch to avoid the snow and
I hope schools will close tomorrow. Stay warm, stay well
and stay safe.