Isometric (drawn from two different angles):

Axonometric (two drawings meant to illustrate different views of the same building)

Shadows and Light space

The Superbowl was fun. Brent had his friends (and their girlfriends/wives) over on Sunday to watch the game. A funny thing happened - the volume on Brent's brand new TV kept going on/off during the first quarter of the game. I found it funny, but Brent and his friends weren't laughing. They all take the game WAY too seriously. I like football too - but I'm not fanatic about it.
There sure was a lot of beer drinking going on at the party! I'm not really supposed to drink alcohol anyway because of being on my psych medication, but I really don't drink much. The only time I drink a beer is when I'm with Brent at his place, or when there's a dorm party. I can't legally drink yet, so a bar or club is out of the question. My dad lets me have a beer at home - he doesn't care. I don't drink and drive, so I spent the night over at Brent's. I had class early Monday morning which sucked, but thankfully Brent's apartment is close to campus. I am glad the Ravens won.
My first paycheck was delivered via direct deposit on Friday - $ 72.50, not bad for a 6 hour shift. I'm only using the money that I receive from working the campus cafe to pay for gas and onsite parking. That extra money sure is helpful.