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Unusual State Of Being

Life & Events > Missing in Action

Missing in Action

I got back from my Tuesday class, grabbed something to eat, and now I'm determined to type up a mybloggers post.

This past weekend, I started my part-time job at my college's cafe - basically working (7-10) Fridays, and (3-6) Saturdays, which is great because it provides plenty time to work on homework during the week and still have free time for Brent, friends, and family. Everyone is so friendly. They all seem like a really fun group. I've never done a job like this before, but its pretty easy. The people come up, order, and a few minutes later when their food's ready, you just walk their meal to them. They do leave tips which is a plus. Most of our customers are students at the college, but I spotted a few teachers as well. The cost of the food is reasonable and very good, too! We serve basic soups (homemade) and sub sandwiches, melts, and salads. It will be nice earning a little extra gas and spending money this semester.
On Friday, I handed in my first short story that I wrote for my writing class - hopefully the instructor understood what I was trying to say. We were assigned to write a one paragraph short story on a descriptive feeling/emotion. I chose to write what it feels from the perspective of an old man who feels regret for a life lost. Have to warn you it is rather depressing. It's not easy condensing a short story into one paragraph! I am happy with it. Hopefully my instructor will understand what I was trying to say. Anyway, here it is:

An old man sits alone in his favorite chair, it's silent in his house, no sounds of happiness, no children who visit, no grandchildren to watch happily playing or to tell stories to, no wife or lover to spend his days with. The mistakes and the bad decisions he's made in life, his poor attitude, and the unending hurt he caused those he loved dug deep in his gut. He pushed everyone away and denied them the pleasure of knowing him. He sits and thinks of what could have been if only he could have made people happy instead. What if he had been a better man and more loving person? With a deep regret for those he loved and hurt, he looks at the liquid in the glass he is holding, he takes one final drink closes his eyes. He says I'm sorry for what I've done and fades silently into death.
Here is a funny picture of my cat, Crash, perched atop my bike. He cracks me up. We always find him in the strangest places too - he's one of those cats like like to be high up, above the ground. So we'll find him on top of cupboards, on the refrigerator, in the garage on top of a shelf (like 8 feet high!), and on my bike. He likes my bike for some reason best of all. :)

posted on Jan 29, 2013 3:52 PM ()


That paragraph was very moving...
And I love your cat!!!! More pics!
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 10, 2013 12:27 PM ()
You do a fine job there in writing.Very nice.Crash looks great.Loved the story.
comment by fredo on Jan 31, 2013 9:18 AM ()
Good writing - I thought you did a good job expressing an emotion, and the thoughts of the old man are what I think my dad could have thought about his life, but he had too big an ego to see himself and how he ran us off with his violent temper.
comment by troutbend on Jan 30, 2013 1:33 PM ()
Crash looks ready to take off and have an adventure. Savor your time in
college and I am happy that you have found congenial friends.
comment by elderjane on Jan 30, 2013 9:49 AM ()
Geez... I hope that paragraph doesn't reflect your beliefs about geezers. I personally don't know anybody like that although there are one or two who cold be described as "grumpy", although that's probably just geezer shtick. BTW mybloggers isn't English class, but I can't help but mention: lost the "?". Why, you ask? As my maw would say when I asked how to spell words as a kid; "look it up". And by all means, enjoy all of the college experience--it's a onetime deal!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 30, 2013 6:15 AM ()
Crash looks like such a cutie. I bet he is a lot of fun.
I loved your condensed story. I thought it really captured a great tone.
The cafe job sounds perfect for a college student.
comment by trekbrarian on Jan 29, 2013 4:29 PM ()
comment by greatmartin on Jan 29, 2013 4:29 PM ()

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