When a male security guard starts dancing spontaneously with others and you know he felt so comfortable doing it, that moment just goes to show that anyone can enjoy these dances - they're for everyone. They are free, non-judgmental.
About 150 students from the campus attended, with about 20 faculty advisors present. I think they were there mainly for support, but there was one english professor who was there with his husband.
What a great group of kids that attended, and it was so good to see them happy, carefree and just enjoying each other's company. I really thought it was a great, strong networking event, much more than a dance where the kids were looking for someone to hook-up with or to date. It was a celebration of being LGBT.
Next year, I think there will be more kids attending and more colleges represented. In fact, I think they'll need an even larger space in the future to hold these dances. The only problem with that is I kind of liked how small and intimate the event was.
What else was amazing what that dance attendees are not identified by sexual orientation, but rather who they are as people, although the majority fell under the LGBT umbrella.
I'm slowly learning that everyone are creating identities based on who they are, not on who other people want them to be. I think more straight students will want to go to the dance in the future, if it's not just because they are supporting someone who is LGBT, but because they don't feel trapped; they will feel more free.
I felt so good being there. These kids are all so hungry to have a bigger role in the world. There was this one girl I spoke with who is so socially aware and feels an importance in what she's doing in the world—and that's not common for people my age. We ended up exchanging numbers - she volunteer's at a homeless shelter twice a month and asked if I wanted to help out.
The event was school-supported, not school-sponsored, though it would be if the LGBTQ group had asked.
The weather was unfortunate. I think that resulted in having fewer students than was expected. Still, everyone really seemed to have a great time. Everything was planned well.
It was perfect since the National Coming Out day was just a few days earlier. I'll write my coming out story in the next post...have to get my thoughts together first and do a good job with it. I'd love to do a video and post it on here, but my webcam's shot.
Here are some pictures of the event:

Me with some new friends:

Fun times!