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Education > Colleges & Universities > Arch Studio Project 2

Arch Studio Project 2

My Arch class changed studios. We basically had to relearn how to set up our studios from scratch again. I managed to figure it out after several attempts. I had to set up mine and my groups paraliners (drawing table) and try to figure out the names and uses of some of the unfamiliar tools in our new toolboxes. We also took a trip to downtown Milwaukee with our studio groups to start a new project. We went to a Reuse store that obtains parts of homes once they are torn down (from everything from pieces of furniture and doors to nails and old jars). We were told to purchase three objects that had any kind of relationship. One had to be transparent, and one had to have a reflective quality.

The three objects I chose:
1. Round Tin (sort of like this one)
2. Pill Box
3. Jar

The project was then to arrange the objects by thinking about their relationship to each other. Cardboard was used to support and arrange the objects.

The main idea of my arrangement was the idea of different views seeing different things when you view it. The way the cardboard is arranged and holds the objects allows some object to be hidden at some points and seen at others. The reflective property is enhanced by the reflection of the jar and also the patterns on the cardboard. This diagram shows the most important views. image

The wire model was to model the relationship we created by the objects.

This was a really fun project and worth all the time in studio. We had to do our mandatory 20 hours, but everyone (including myself) spent a lot more time in studio Monday and today - finishing up, reworking ideas, etc. I'm learning that keeping things simple is usually the best option when making models for our particular instructor. The class is quite structured but our instructor expects us to ask questions, test things out, and experiment a lot.

I'm looking forward to our next project which we'll be starting next week. That one will be really involved! I like that the freshman studio takes mini-trips to a variety of sites in the area as learning tools for our projects.

Other than being super busy in my classes, I'm doing fine. The LGBTQ club is holding their first dance of the year which should be fun. Hopefully I'll be able to go. They have a great DJ already signed on, so it should be a ton of fun. It's in November. Most of the kids in the LGBTQ group are going so I definitely will if I can. The club also sponsors a Gala night in December but that's more for fundraising and since I don't have any money, I probably will pass on it. That is unless they need volunteers and I have the time to donate my time to helping out.

(I didn't get the extra money to help with my tuition. It sucks because it would have helped a lot, but I can't do much about it now. I'll have to work a bit harder this summer to save more - who knew Architecture school was so expensive! We have to pay for everything ourselves...supplies, materials, transportation, etc. It's worth it I guess. I better get a great education out of this or I'll be pissed.) :)

posted on Oct 10, 2012 3:22 PM ()


Interesting stuff. I love creativity and wish I had some.
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 11, 2012 2:05 PM ()
Everyone's creative in their own way. I'm sure you are too.
reply by jaydensblog on Oct 15, 2012 12:18 PM ()
What a cool project. As an instructor, I know that assignments can sometimes feel overwhelming, but the secret is to break it down into the componant parts and doing each of those. That is usually achievable by step ... resulting the assignment working out just fine. I am sure you will do wonderfully!
comment by trekbrarian on Oct 10, 2012 6:56 PM ()
We actually had a 1 day Freshman workshop on time management and organizational skills the first week of classes. I definitely couldn't keep up in studio without good time and organization skills - we've already lost two students who couldn't handle the intensity of the studio time and also having to deal with their other class work.
reply by jaydensblog on Oct 15, 2012 12:16 PM ()
You'll do fine--just don't waste time worrying--that helps nothing!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 10, 2012 5:40 PM ()
That's true.
reply by jaydensblog on Oct 15, 2012 12:12 PM ()
Yes you can. Just take it a day at a time and give it your all. I like
the models and it really is a challenge. Let us know how you progress!!
comment by elderjane on Oct 10, 2012 5:09 PM ()
I'll try to post as often as I can - time is definitely an issue.
reply by jaydensblog on Oct 15, 2012 12:11 PM ()
It looks so challenging and fun - you're jumping right in there.
comment by troutbend on Oct 10, 2012 4:48 PM ()
The first day of class we were already assigned our first project! Other classes were still going over their course preparation for the semester - it was a bit overwhelming at first (still is) but its a lot of fun, too.
reply by jaydensblog on Oct 15, 2012 12:08 PM ()
For me I liked the wire model.Yes it is expensive but seems that all school are having a hard time with this.It will only get worse in years to come.Just to the best that you can and save your money when you can.This will take time and before you know it.You will be up there.
Do not get discouraged.You will be fine and think a way to make money there.You will get a good education.Just put your mind to it.Good luck.You kin do it.
comment by fredo on Oct 10, 2012 3:31 PM ()
I'm really enjoying school a lot - it's tougher than I thought it would be, but this is college, not high school and professors expect more from us.
I really liked the final wire model too. Thought my group's was the best!
reply by jaydensblog on Oct 15, 2012 12:03 PM ()

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