The three objects I chose:
1. Round Tin (sort of like this one)

2. Pill Box
3. Jar
The project was then to arrange the objects by thinking about their relationship to each other. Cardboard was used to support and arrange the objects.
The main idea of my arrangement was the idea of different views seeing different things when you view it. The way the cardboard is arranged and holds the objects allows some object to be hidden at some points and seen at others. The reflective property is enhanced by the reflection of the jar and also the patterns on the cardboard. This diagram shows the most important views.

The wire model was to model the relationship we created by the objects.

This was a really fun project and worth all the time in studio. We had to do our mandatory 20 hours, but everyone (including myself) spent a lot more time in studio Monday and today - finishing up, reworking ideas, etc. I'm learning that keeping things simple is usually the best option when making models for our particular instructor. The class is quite structured but our instructor expects us to ask questions, test things out, and experiment a lot.
I'm looking forward to our next project which we'll be starting next week. That one will be really involved! I like that the freshman studio takes mini-trips to a variety of sites in the area as learning tools for our projects.
Other than being super busy in my classes, I'm doing fine. The LGBTQ club is holding their first dance of the year which should be fun. Hopefully I'll be able to go. They have a great DJ already signed on, so it should be a ton of fun. It's in November. Most of the kids in the LGBTQ group are going so I definitely will if I can. The club also sponsors a Gala night in December but that's more for fundraising and since I don't have any money, I probably will pass on it. That is unless they need volunteers and I have the time to donate my time to helping out.
(I didn't get the extra money to help with my tuition. It sucks because it would have helped a lot, but I can't do much about it now. I'll have to work a bit harder this summer to save more - who knew Architecture school was so expensive! We have to pay for everything, materials, transportation, etc. It's worth it I guess. I better get a great education out of this or I'll be pissed.) :)