Canadian Goddess


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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Computing & Technology > Blogging > Everything is Timing

Everything is Timing

And today is a bad day for starting a new blog.

I almost didn't even turn the computer on this morning, thinking that I would try to nap when Michael napped after his bath and breakfast bottle. Thinking that I didn't want to waste any time reading blogs or fooling around on the computer. It's been a long week, full of long nights.

And now Michael is sick with whatever fucked up virus ran through me and the girls. Whatever fucked up virus Kate is still trying to get over.

We were spoiled with Emma who is the single most delightful sick child on the planet. Kate, however, can be a bit of a pill.

And Michael...well, Michael learned to cry the first time he got sick, roughly a month after he came home to us. He had pneumonia...very mild case...and my mild mannered, sweet as candy son turned into a crying, horrible, crabby mess.

And he's never looked back. Ha.

So, this morning, I've heard precious little besides coughing and crying...crying and coughing...coming from the little guy. I managed to get him to fall asleep a wee little bit this morning while I did turn on the computer and cruised around Blogster a little bit, knowing that a nap was out of the question because surely to Dog, as soon as I fell asleep, he would wake up either coughing or crying.

It's not a good day to start a new blog.

But it had to be done. And I must say, from what I've seen so far here at MyBloggers...I like it! The banners rock hard core and there are so many familiar faces of people that I've been missing.

And while it may not be the best day to start fresh, it does feel right. So right.

This blog will obviously be an extension of my blog on Blogster and I hope that people who read me over there will continue to read me over here.

But this blog will definitely be about new beginnings, too, as my life takes some new and exciting and scary turns and change begins to surround me.

This blog will be honest. As honest...*more* honest than my old one.

And it already feels good to let the "real" janetk out of her shell...I only imagine that it will feel even better as I go on.

Hope you join me.

posted on Mar 6, 2008 9:18 AM ()


Cheers to new beginnings Janet!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 9, 2008 9:55 PM ()
comment by turftoe331 on Mar 7, 2008 3:44 PM ()
comment by cindy on Mar 7, 2008 6:31 AM ()
Glad to see you here, Janet. What in hell do you give a sick child nowdays since they seem to have pulled all the overcounter meds off shelf because they are not "safe" anymore. I am glad I don't have any wee ones; mine are grown.
comment by gapeach on Mar 6, 2008 8:27 PM ()
Three cheers for the real Janet! And check it out >>>
comment by mellowdee on Mar 6, 2008 7:58 PM ()
You know I love you, I'd follow you anywhere sweetie..*hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on Mar 6, 2008 5:24 PM ()

Oh honey, I wish I could reach through the screen and give you some hugs.
comment by mrsstu on Mar 6, 2008 1:44 PM ()
Cheers to new beginnings Janet! Let's have a vodka toast this weekend
comment by gwensgifts on Mar 6, 2008 1:35 PM ()
I'm happy to see the excitement and new beginnings in your life.
comment by angiedw on Mar 6, 2008 10:56 AM ()
Welcome over here, this is looking more and more like the old blogster than that other place is now...
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 6, 2008 10:09 AM ()
Glad you found us!
comment by eddie on Mar 6, 2008 10:06 AM ()
sickness is in this house as well, but this time, it's not the child getting us sick, it was my fiancee who did it to me! I think the only one that cries in this house when there are sick, is me. lol! Nice to see you here!
comment by blogmom on Mar 6, 2008 9:47 AM ()
I can't tell you how happy I am to see you here! poor little Michael! is there anythign you can give him for the coughing? put vicks on his chest? I look forward to reading your honests blogs
comment by elkhound on Mar 6, 2008 9:29 AM ()
Hey Sister! I understand with your son. My son started crying as soon as he popped out of my womb and did not stop!!!! He is now thirteen and still PISSED! His favorite phrase for years has been "I hate my life!" He is our little ray of sunshine!
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 6, 2008 9:27 AM ()
Hey! Glad ya came over to our side!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 6, 2008 9:26 AM ()

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