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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Miss Me?

Miss Me?

I'm not really here. And I don't know what to say or where to begin and time is, as usual, not on my side.

So here is the jist of it, I guess.

I don't have Internet anymore. I only use my Mom and Dad's once in a blue moon and even then, not for very long and really only to check facebook.

I miss blogging. Especially lately.

My little boy is not okay. What we thought was autism is not or maybe is and there is no comfort in hearing anyone in the medical field tell you, "we've never seen anyone like him." Believe me.

My girls are fantastic.

There were no other babies and now, never will be. I'm not getting into it.

I no longer have a sister. But she's no dead. I'm not getting into that, either.

I still have an American Boy guessed it...I'm not getting into it.

It's been a long, hard year.

But, as always...

Heart in hand, facing forward.

posted on Apr 2, 2010 4:58 PM ()


Sorry to hear things are tough. Hopefully things will figure themselves out ontil then try to keep your chin up. X
comment by jensgems on June 29, 2010 12:43 AM ()
Janet, I am so sorry that things have not worked out for you. I know that
Autism has many different forms from extremely low functioning like my grandson to high functioning. It impacts every member of the family. I hope you have a compassionate social worker helping you.
comment by elderjane on June 16, 2010 6:22 AM ()
I had no idea that your grandson was on the spectrum. My son is considered high functioning...the details of where exactly he falls on the spectrum hasn't yet been determined. There are many day to day struggles, as you well know, but there are also some downright beautiful moments in between...usually enough of them to even things out. My son has several "workers"...everyone from a physiotherapist to a behavioural therapist and is on a waiting list for a specialized developmental pediatrician. I'd say "hugs" to your grandson but I'm guessing that wouldn't fly.
reply by janetk on Oct 13, 2010 4:46 PM ()

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