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Tales From Janet Land

Computing & Technology > Blogging > C is for Crazy

C is for Crazy

That about sums up my weekend. Crazy. Actually, fucking crazy is more like it. But who’s counting hairs?

But rather than talk about the weekend of insanity, I thought instead that I would get on my list of ten things I love…all starting with the letter C, of course. This started on Meranda’s blog and with any luck, maybe it will keep going round and round MyBloggers. The deal is that you have to list ten things you like all starting with the same letter… the catch is that the letter is chosen by someone else. In this case…ME! So if you want a letter, let me know and I promise not to give you Q or X.

So, without further adieu, here is my cute and catchy count of crap I covet…

1. Coffee. I have to wonder if Meranda was being sweet when she gave me the letter C, just as she picked the letter P for herself so that she could say pajamas. I love coffee. A lot. Freshly brewed is, of course, coffee at it’s best but I will drink it even if it’s stale. I love it hot. I love it cold. I love fancy coffees but am not a coffee snob…plain, old regular joe is just fine. I love coffee flavoured stuff, like chocolates and ice cream. I even love the way that coffee looks in a mug…the colour and the steam. Oh, and the smell. I love the smell of coffee, too. So, C is for coffee…sweet nectar of the gods.

2. Cookies. They go so well with coffee, after all (especially since I don’t drink milk). But in the case of cookies, I * am * a bit of a snob. I won’t waste the calories on any old cookie and prefer homemade ones or the those gourmet jobbies they sell in coffee shops (like Tim Horton’s cookies…oh my…they are worth the calories and fat). I very rarely have any “good” cookies in the house to avoid the temptation but I have been known to down a few golden Oreos when the urge strikes.

3. Cuddling. By nature, I’m a fairly touchy feely person. I don’t mind being touched, most of the time and am not afraid to hug a friend or put my hand on the back of someone as I’m passing. So I guess it stands to reason that I love cuddling. I know most people do, but I think that because of my history of unloving and hurtful touch I have been almost touch starved in the sense of not having received enough wholesome touch. So I soak up a good cuddle like a Sham Wow towel on a nasty spill. While I am being cuddled, I especially like having my head stroked and a cuddle just isn’t a cuddle until my leg is wrapped around someone.

4. Cheese. I hate milk. With a passion. I have nightmares about people forcing me to drink milk and I gag sometimes when I have to pour it. But I really like other forms of dairy, specifically cheese. Everything is better with cheese on it from veggies to chilli to soup (I liked cubed cheese in the bottom of the bowl so that when I pour the soap over the top, the cheese gets soft) to, well, just about anything. My only exception is cream cheese in sweet things and cottage cheese. And let’s face it…there is nothing more comforting than a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese. At least for me.

5. Chocolate. Milk chocolate. Dark chocolate. White chocolate. A mixed variety. Chocolate with nuts. Chocolate with caramel. Chocolate cake. Chocolate ice cream. Hot chocolate. Frozen chocolate. Chocolate santas. Chocolate rabbits. Chocolate bars. Chocolate chips. In muffins. In cookies. In pancakes. Poured over top of just about anything…I love chocolate.

6. Creepy crawlers. Yes, the unthinkable happened and I ended up liking a furry cat but my heart still belongs to the creepy crawlers of the bug world. More specifically, spiders and lady bugs and caterpillars (hey! Another C!) and butterflies and tiny ants and bees and beetles and, well, almost all bugs. Nobody is a fan of the biting variety, like mosquitoes, but I don’t like it when people kill bugs just for the sake of killing them or just because they’re there. And I get angry when someone says, “well, some of them bite!” So do some dogs! And a bug is living even if it isn’t furry.

7. Cheap stuff. Because I’m cheap. And poor. So I like cheap stuff. Clothes, housewares, food (well, I’m not one of those people who sacrifices good nutrition in the name of bargain but I do love a good sale)…just about anything. And I get really excited when I find something that’s really cheap, especially when it’s something I’ve been wanting or looking for. Just yesterday I was cruising for something for the bathroom, as I systematically change every room in the house to change the energy flow and the feel in general and found one of those sets that includes the garbage can, the cup, the toothbrush holder and the soap holder, all in bright pink for only…drum roll please…eighty nine cents! I am cheap. And proud of it.

8. Curly hair. I like having short hair right now and enjoyed my time with dreads, itchy scalp from an allergic reaction to the soap notwithstanding. But I miss my curly hair. And I envy people with natural curls on top of their heads. This might also lend some insight into my love affair with pubic hair since it’s curly, too. Only thing is, as I mentioned on Meranda’s blog, I only like pubic hair on other people. I remove all of my own. But I do love curly hair on both boys and girls. There’s just something about the wildness of it and the ease of getting ready in the morning, at least when I had it. There is just something about curls.

9. Carpeting. I know that carpeted stairs or floors is so not the in thing right now as everyone moves to hardwood or ceramic tiles and even leather flooring, which I read an article about over the weekend. It sounds neat. And it’s all recycled leather which is awesome. But anyway…even though carpeting is a bit passé right now, I still love it. I dream of a living room with wall to wall carpeting and a bedroom with thick, lush carpet to warm my feet as I hop out of bed. Carpeted stairs are great for sliding down. And laying on the floor to watch TV is possible when there is a substantial layer of soft carpeting beneath you. And nothing beats a carpeted, finished basement. Nothing at all.

10. And last but certainly not least…I love my new chair. I bought it for twenty dollars (which ties into the “cheap” portion of this article!) yesterday after I rearranged my bedroom and had a place for a comfy chair. I plan on talking on the phone in it or sitting in reading if my kids ever choose to leave me alone for more than thirty seconds at a time. It’s old but in good shape. I guess the person who died in it wasn’t too excitable. The chair was a great lesson in trust that hasn’t finished yet and maybe my anticipation over the last part of the lesson is what is wrapped up with this chair…I don’t know. But I do know that if I go any further, we’ll get into the craziness of the weekend and that’s not what this post is about. So I’ll shut up…for now. And just end this post offering a letter to anyone else who is up for the challenge…heh…another C.

posted on Jan 21, 2009 6:58 AM ()

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