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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Two Night Stands

Two Night Stands

Because, in the immortal words of Samantha Jones from Sex In The City, “you’d be surprised how many are ready to go again after a quick cat nap”.


Actually, this morning’s blog post was originally going to be titled, “Bundled Up and Bitching” because, well, I’m bundled up and bitching. It’s is super fucking cold outside today. In the sun, it’s roughly minus twenty five. In the shade, more like minus thirty five. Fucking. Freezing. Cold. And I’m tired and cranky. Kate was up half the night, throwing up in between having the dry heaves. She is home from school today but looking and sounding more and more like herself, which is good…I have a bunch of errands to run this afternoon, no matter how cold it is, and I’ll obviously have to take her with me. Plus, even though Mona has taken it relatively easy on me this month with a lighter downpour than usual, this morning she seems hell bent on cramping the last little bits out. She is pissed because I’ve been refusing her chocolate and have, instead, been trying to placate her with evil rice cakes.

But as I tidied up my bedroom a little because Don will be here tomorrow (remember when I actually used to * clean * before his arrival? Now he’s lucky if I put the random, floating pieces of paper into neat, little piles and manage to wipe the bathroom sink before he pulls into the driveway), I glanced at my night stands, which are actually small, metal patio tables from IKEA that I really liked and was reminded of MellowDee’s blog post, “One Night Stand”.

So rather than bitch and crab at all of you (oops…guess I already did), I’m going to snag her great idea and give you a little peek into the bedroom and mind of janetk.

I’m warning you. It might be scary. Ha.


Table one…

(Because I’m single so I get to claim both of the tables and clutter them up with junk and there’s nobody to complain! Muahahahaha!)

There is a black touch lamp that was a wedding gift for Rock and I from his sister. We received a lot of stuff when we got married and the truth is that most of it lost it’s place in our home as the years went by…the TV broke and needed to be replaced, the kitchen table and chairs were butt fucking ugly from the get go and were tossed as soon as we could afford a new set of our own, the glasses that matched the plates were broken after a few of my nanny shifts with the kids upstairs in our first apartment together, etc…. but that lamp has stuck it out. It has seen every bedroom we’ve occupied. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve even ever had to change the light bulbs. It’s not the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen and it’s not even my style but the touch feature, without having to search for a switch, is handy in the middle of the night and it’s fairly dim so it doesn’t blind you but is bright enough to read by.

I should have just said that there was a lamp, eh? Oh well.

An old, digital alarm clock radio that is set ten minutes fast. I do this on purpose so that when the alarm goes off in the morning, I can hit snooze if I want to and not be ten minutes late. And believe me…ten minutes makes a BIG difference in the world of a single mother. It’s also handy when Don is visiting. He can nurse for ten minutes before we get up.

A box of Kleenex. I cry a lot. That’s not sarcastic. I really do cry a lot.

A motherfucking huge pump bottle of Cetaphil moisturizer. I use it everywhere. I have really sensitive skin when it comes to creams and soaps and such. Cetaphil is really gentle. I also have ridiculously dry skin in the winter. I never used to. I’m slowly turning into my mother, it seems.

Two barrettes from the day I had my bangs pinned back and a bandanna on. They are pink and purple. The barrettes, I mean. My hair is no longer pink. I should really change my avatar. Or dye my hair again.

A framed painting of a turtle that I bought at the local Pow Wow in, um, 2007, I think. It is rough looking but you can really feel what the local artist was trying to convey and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I’m curious to see his more recent work since this one is obviously one of his first.

A heavy, gold turtle with a little baby turtle on it’s back. It’s actually a little box and the turtle’s back is decorated with orange stones. Very ornate and very pretty. It holds a little magnifying glass and envelope opener. My Mom gave it to me last year as my birthday gift after her sister sent it to her. Mom thought it “didn’t belong to her” and she passed it along to where it seemed fit. She also included a passage about Turtle (Mother Earth) from her animal cards. Kate is obsessed with this turtle. She plays with it and “takes care of it”.

Another turtle statue that is hollow. This has a more Mexican feel to it, though, rather than First Nations. My mother gave this guy, too. His back is decorated in flowers. I’ve had it for almost ten years now. In case you couldn’t tell…I really like turtles. Turtle is one of my Totem Animals and I’ve always identified with her medicine.

And finally…

A metal thing that holds books open while you read them. It’s from my sister. I keep it on this table so that it’s handy when I’m on the computer and wanting to type something out of a book. But it sometimes lives in the kitchen…for cookbooks, obviously.

Oh wait. That wasn’t the finally.

My Runes and my book about Runes are also sitting on that table because I used them last night to do a quick reading for Don over the phone. I love my Runes. My original set was incomplete because one of the glass stones broke in half. So I sent my book to Mel as part of her Christmas gift and got a new set from the book and Rune set I bought for Don (I gave him a homemade set instead of the shitty store bought ones). Then my Mom gave me her book because she has another copy. I cleansed the book before I used it, though. Books and Runes carry energy (don’t worry, Mel…I cleansed my book before I gave it to you, too.)

Okay. That is table number one.

Now onto the second.

Two copies of Wally Lamb’s new book. The first came from my sister as a wonderful Christmas present. The second was a belated Christmas present from a friend who I hope doesn’t read this blog. I don’t think she could find it. Anyway, I can’t decide if I should return one copy for store credit or give it to my sister for her birthday since she was the one who turned me onto Wally Lamb in the first place.

A Christmas card from Don that I’m planning on using as a bookmark once I start “The Hour I First Believed”.

A shrine. Okay, not really. But pretty damn close. There is a framed 8x10 picture of the ocean from when I first visited Don last May along with a framed picture of Don himself (my favourite picture of him, actually) along with some rocks from the ocean. There used to be candles but Michael tried to eat them and they made the pictures look too shrine like.

A huge cut of Rose Quartz.

My Reiki stones. My Aunt made them for me. There are four and each one of them have one of the Reiki symbols painted on them for easy reference when sending distance Reiki or otherwise. For those of you familiar with Reiki, you might realize how untraditional this is and even how controversial it could be. But the way that I practice (practise? I can never remember which is which) * is * very untraditional.

The book, “Memoirs of Geisha”. I never finished it. I don’t know why, especially since I’m one of those people who usually has to finish a book. It was my plane reading the last time I visited Massachusetts and it was good. I just never picked it up again. Some day. That’s why it’s sitting there. It’s waiting for the some day.

Homemade prayer beads.

A book of prayers by Marianne Williamson. I use that book more times than I’m comfortable telling you. I often use them with the prayer beads.

The “Hail Mary” rosary thing. Rock told me what it was one night a long time ago and I scrawled it down onto an envelope. I am not Catholic. And I wasn’t raised Catholic. But I do identify with Mother Mary and she is one of my guides so I sometimes say the rosary. Yes. With the prayer beads.

A journal and pen for when I write to my angels and guides.

And that is…almost…it…

A stack of homemade cards from the kids.

A huge bottle of personal lubricant. (That’s the blush you were wondering about, Mel).

A, um, ring…used for…um…a man’s…um… “boy parts”. It…um…oh never mind.

A black blindfold. That’s another blush.

And last, but certainly not least…

Dust. Lots and lots of dust.


What do you think?

posted on Jan 15, 2009 12:09 PM ()

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