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Fenelon Falls, ON
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Tales From Janet Land

Life & Events > Relationships > Skipping Steps

Skipping Steps

You cannot get a legal divorce in Canada until you have been separated from your spouse for at least one year. This morning, that fact has been eating me up inside.

I spoke to my American Boy last night, as I do every night lately. And on the nights when one of us decides to have, you know, a life or when one of us decides to play around in the life we had before one another, we speak in the morning or afternoon. And for some reason, even if I talk to him every day, it still feels impossible the next morning that it has been only twelve hours since I heard his voice. Our conversations carry us less and less far it seems. Once a week used to feel like a lot. Now once a day isn’t enough. And I’m reminded, yet again, of a line from an Ani Difranco song, “say you never had love so divine… but it will go from more than ever to not enough in no time”.

We are both guessing that the impatience is a sign of us getting closer and closer to the end. Closer and closer to being together each and every day and having the luxury of looking back at these times through fond colored glasses…remembering what it was like to go four weeks without touching one another, without seeing one another, without the part of ourselves that somehow ended up lodged in another person.

Yes, that’s it exactly.

It’s almost like there’s a piece of me hidden inside of him and without him, that piece is lost and just beyond my grasp. The good thing is that now I know where the piece of myself is and I know how to get it…know how to finally make myself whole again. The bad part, of course, is that it exists 540 miles south of the border.

And you know what?

I really miss him.

But I’m getting off track here. Let’s see if I can’t steer this post back into the right direction.

I have been trying to write something for what seems like forever but for what is really about three days. Since my last post. Nothing comes out right. Nothing sounds good. And although I just finished saying that I was going to consciously stop censoring myself and post the shit along with the good stuff, I can’t bring myself to actually do it.

And then this morning, reading that bit of information about divorce in Canada and finding myself spiralling down all over again.

I’ve always said that I wanted to be one of those people who “go and get ‘em”. One of those people who decides what they want and then stop at nothing to get it. One of those people that are described as taking the bull by the horns, or whatever. One of those people who have always gone after the things that they want the most, who stop at nothing until they get it, who are full of determination and focus.

I am not one of those people.

Instead, I tend to feel like hiding. Instead, I tend to feel like I want to give up and lose myself in whatever is front of me. Realizing that I will have to separate from Rock for at least one year before I can divorce him was like running head on into a huge boulder in the road. A barricade. Nothing quick and easy about this life change, eh? There are no quick getaways in Janet Land.

And just yesterday, I felt so sure of everything. So sure that things were moving and everything was going to fall into place quickly. My Mom asking me what Rock and I are planning to do because she has to know what to do with the house. If they will have to sell it or if they will re-new the mortgage. Telling my Mom that I will call her tomorrow. Talking to Rock and finding out that he received another promotion at work and intends to stay. Intends to make this a career and stop looking for other work. Intends to stay in the house… “tell your Mom to renew. I’m staying here.”

All of that felt like something possibly wonderful. Rock is set. My parents will know the truth. I can move on.

And then it hits me.

Move onto what?

And now, my Sweet, I feel like skipping steps. Moving past steps number one and two and heading right into the future. To the cottage by the water. To the house with the big kitchen. To the mini van and the new baby and the company in the middle of the night while I’m nursing.

To have to wait. To have to separate and live apart from Rock and take my kids and start over before I can really start over. To have to drag out my relationship with Rock for at least another year. To have to go through the necessary steps.


It makes me want to quit. Makes me want to give up. Makes me think it’s not worth it. My happiness is not worth this amount of time and effort and work.

And now how fucked up is that?

posted on Apr 29, 2008 11:35 AM ()


I feel your pain! The ending of a marriage is fricken complicated! Sorry!
comment by frogfenatic on May 8, 2008 10:09 PM ()
i'm new here, but can really feel your pain. looking forward, a year seems like forever. but before you know it, you will be saying 'wow, i've been divorced for 3 years already?' If it is meant to be, you and your american boy will survive the waiting time. I don't know much about the laws, but can't you just come to the states and get divorced? (i know, you have prob'ly already thought of that) i send you hugs and hope things work out right.....and SOON!
comment by dakmom on Apr 30, 2008 4:52 AM ()
Janet, I read this yesterday but didn't comment. I wanted to have the time to respond. At work I have too many people running in and out to get a clear thought. Amy (walkwithgrace) is pretty much right on with her comment. It will take time with the immigration paperwork to sort itself out. Your taking the first steps her....look to your future...the future you want. Work towards that. My friend David use to say...Pam it's time you get your sh*t together. I wanted to strangle him for saying that..but it was something I needed to hear. know I love ya. You know I stand behind you...and if you need me, I'm here. Take a deep breath, and take those steps, get your sh*t together, plaster a smile on your face and fake it till you make it. Love you bunches. *hugs tight*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 30, 2008 4:22 AM ()
It will probably take that long for the whole immigration thing to get worked out. There's a lot to that, and I sat in Immigration Lawyers' offices on both sides of the border pre-September 11th.
Everything has its time and space, Janet. I'm a dodger too when it comes right down to it, and I have learned (and still continue to take a few kicks in the ass from The Universe as if It's losing patience with me for trying to rush things)that maybe, just maybe, "obstacles" are put there for reasons too. I know it's deflating, but remember that Your Universe will work things out in It's time and space. It's when we interfere that we usually #### everything up.
Chin up, tits out, sista.
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 29, 2008 10:28 PM ()
comment by imaginaryfriend on Apr 29, 2008 7:11 PM ()
and here I sit feeling just the opposite...don't want a divorce yet...scared, alone, not skipping steps...

but FEELING each slow step I make
comment by firststarisee on Apr 29, 2008 1:29 PM ()
Or maybe it is exactly the other way around... the fact that you need to be separated for a year pushes you to get out and start that new life with your American Boy right away -- expect the year to fly by, while you sit content in one another's embrace. Instead of the divorce process dragging... maybe this first step will compel you to pack your things and move as soon as you can... as the Universe shifts much faster than you think!
comment by mellowdee on Apr 29, 2008 1:05 PM ()
And PS: Remember it only means that things are going to progress in a different way. I'll explain later
comment by turftoe331 on Apr 29, 2008 12:31 PM ()
Hang in there baby
comment by turftoe331 on Apr 29, 2008 12:26 PM ()
Hmmm... I am new here so I don't really get all the details.
I love this
“say you never had love so divine… but it will go from more than ever to not enough in no time”. ah, Ani...

And I love that you have found someone who makes you happy...

And this divorce stuff will happen in no time.

It's a hard spot, but this too shall pass.
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 29, 2008 12:21 PM ()
I don't see why you need to "live" in Canada to be separated? A separation is just that. You and Rock not together. Right??
comment by meranda on Apr 29, 2008 12:05 PM ()
Taking the first steps towards the future is exciting, scary -- unsure, yet's filled with contradiction (at least for me). You've got the focus, the strength & the support to make the coming year fly by quickly & to make the desires of your heart (and his) become reality!
comment by dkelly on Apr 29, 2008 11:48 AM ()
just from reading american boy's blog, I don't think he will allow you to give up so easily. one year, until you can start living a new life full of love and happiness. 12 months, 365 days, start the countdown.
comment by elkhound on Apr 29, 2008 11:30 AM ()
Pretty much! Anything worthwhile comes from much effort. We always appreciate those things that we work hardest for the best! I'm using cliches here, but they are the truth. You will only know the true measure of happiness when you have spent the significant time, effort and work to achieve it.
comment by angiedw on Apr 29, 2008 11:18 AM ()
I think most of us tend to get discouraged just like you do so I wouldn't feel bad about it. Even though you have those feelings, I have a feeling that the reward will push you through to success.
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 29, 2008 11:13 AM ()

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