Made In Canada With American Parts
Several years ago, my mother took me to see Angelspeake facilitator and psychic, Jennifer Clark. It was a very rewarding experience. She hit the nail right on the head about nearly everything going on in my life at that point and her “predictions†were right on the money as the years went by. She also introduced me to two of my angels and two of my guides and prompted me to learn more about writing to and speaking with my angels and guides, as well as to the angels and guides of others.
During that visit, she told me my life’s purpose was to mother. I had been mothering people my entire life (and this was very true) and my purpose in life was to continue mothering those around me. She explained to me that becoming a mother and having a life’s purpose as a mother were two very different things and she was right. She IS right.
She also told me that I was a healer.
She also told me that she saw me having four children.
That has stuck with me over the years.
During our session, I was pregnant with my second child, Kate. Fellow parents of more than one child, unite in this statement…when you only have one baby, another one seems like a fucking GREAT idea, doesn’t it? When you only have one baby, the idea of having multitudes of little ones scattered at your feet seems like heaven, doesn’t it? It did, for me, anyway. At that point, I thought that I wanted to have at least four children….I loved being a mother to Emma, it was almost easier than I thought it would be and I welcomed the idea of four tots of my own.
Then I actually had the second baby…and the * third *….and changed my mind quite quickly.
The difference between one and two is staggering.
Have three and you’ll never be alone, not even to go to the bathroom, again.
Have three and you’ll never have a baby sitter, either.
But I digress.
Jennifer’s words about seeing four children have stuck with me for years and her voice has rang in my ears several times since my visit with her.
“I see you with four childrenâ€.
I heard her when Rock and I decided that we were done and he made an appointment with the snip snip doctor.
“I see you with four children.â€
I heard her again when I took a pregnancy test in my bathroom one morning and discovered that we had number three on the way.
“I see you with four children.â€
I heard her again when we had our first ultrasound to find out if there were twins since apparently I have a big uterus (yes, it felt like an insult!).
“I see you with four children.â€
I heard her again when the technician told us there was only one.
“I see you with four children.â€
And I heard her one last time when Rock finally had the snip snip procedure this summer past.
“She was wrongâ€, I said.
It was the only thing that she had missed the mark on.
Until yesterday.
Mona was supposed to visit at the same time as the American Boy. She was due, actually, on my birthday. I thought that I could feel her two days earlier, but she never showed up. “Bonusâ€, I figured. When you can’t get pregnant because your husband had a vasectomy, every late visit from Mona is just like icing on the period cake.
Mona stayed away all the way through the American Boy’s visit. “Another bonus†I thought, since I didn’t want to gross him out or make him think I was still a virgin. Ah ha ha!
Our visit was wonderful. All of you know that already. I’ve blogged a bit about that first Friday night. His mouth and his voice and his hand wandering down my back….
That Friday night was just the beginning. Let’s leave it at that.
I didn’t think much of Mona’s disappearance until this weekend, when she still hadn’t run my doorbell. I had to stop at Shopper’s Drug Mart for a protein bar (because I hate eating “real food†at work) and some gum before work on Sunday and while I was there, just for shits and giggles, I bought a pregnancy test.
I couldn’t get time alone in the bathroom yesterday morning to take it. But Mona still hadn’t popped in and I was starting to feel a bit anxious. “I * couldn’t * beâ€, I thought.
Could I?
This morning, Rock slept past his alarm and was running late which meant that I didn’t have my first morning pee until he had already left for work. Perfect timing, really.
I peed and I waited.
And there were two little pink lines.
One line for negative.
Two for positive.
I am pregnant.
“I see you with four childrenâ€.
Pregnant with the American Boy’s baby.
“I see you with four children.â€
Everyone ready to kick this into high gear?
Me, either.