You ever get attached to things you have had awhile. You know for no apparent reason. No I don’t mean that ole thing that sleeps next to you every night.
Like me- for example I have an old white coffee cup I bought oh I guess 10 or so years ago.
It is just about a perfect coffee cup, it holds about 2 maybe 3 cups, has a nice weight too it. It doesn’t have any flowers or smiley faces on it, like its owner about the only decoration it sports is the crazing that comes with years of use.
Yeah its just an ole coffee cup, been with me through thick and thin.
Just a simple thing that I take pleasure in almost every morning, it has even held a shot or two of Jack at night over the years.
Done a lot of thinking holding that cup.
I guess it is those simple little things we don’t even hardly notice that really mean something.
I guess I am in a mood this morning. I am most likely not even writing about coffee cups.
You all have a good ole chicken fried Friday Night,
Da grump