Boy have I been a busy camper today or what.
Spent a good part of my day off winterizing my little home. Something I should have already had done. I knew better. Well thanks to my being lazy, a really cold- cold spell and a rate increase from the energy Nazi’s here in Nashville my bill went up a staggering 72 dollars this month. Ouch.
So I got to spend a good part of my day with window covering, duct tape, and stuff that is supposed go around your door to stop heat loss.
Of course none of this stuff went on as easy as the directions said it would. It was not a pretty picture.
But I got it done.
Now for the proof. I have had my dinner. Mexican-yep refried beans, bean, beef and cheese burritos and a beer. We are talking gas city. If I have done my job right my little home should be about air tight.
I am now going to light a smoke.
The explosion should be spectacular.