Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > A Talk with My Pcp

A Talk with My Pcp

Went to see my Personal Care Physician yesterday to discuss
Lorazapem and Lexapro. I explained to him that though I am far from feeling 100%
I do feel better. The main thing is that I haven't had an anxiety attack in over
two weeks and only take the Lorazapem at night to go to sleep.
I told him that I would prefer NOT taking the Lexapro until, and if, I
need it and waiting, at least, to the first of the year. He said that though he
would like me to go on it if I didn't feel a need for it that's okay.
I, also, talked to him about cutting back, and then out, the Lorazapem which
he agreed to but wants me to go very slowly. I had been taking up to 2
mgs a day but mainly 1 and 3/4s a day. He wants me to stay on the 1 and 3/4s a
day for at least a week and then 1 and 1/2 for a week and so with the
stipulation that if I feel any anxiety and/or have a problem going to sleep
and/or sleeping I would increase by a 1/4 of a mg.
Also, I told him I saw/felt no difference after taking Flomax and Avodart for
more than 6 months--he said I should stop taking it and see if there was a
difference and if there was to go back on it.
Though he hates Coumadin (Warfarin) he did say that, in all probability, I
will be taking that the rest of my life along with the Metoprolo. I have been
taking Simvastatin for 8 years for cholesterol plus I take Furosemide and
Klor-Con for the excess fluid and potassium.
All in all I can live with taking 4-5 medicines a day, though, in truth, I
would like to eliminate them all but I do have faith in my PCP and if he says
take them I will!
Did have a complete blood work up done yesterday--liver, sugar, PSA, PT,
cholesterol, etc.,--and am waiting for the nurse to mail me a copy of
And that's the health report--hopefully the last one for this year!{#apploud.gif}

posted on Nov 25, 2008 1:45 PM ()


Must feel great you are doing better and better. I can read it in your posts between the lines and hear it when ur on the phone. Makes me feel good too Martin ...hugs xxx
comment by itsjustme on Nov 26, 2008 12:24 AM ()
I've been working on reducing meds also. My doctor lowered one of my meds last week, but after noticing the difference in a very big way, I went back on it, as he recommended. That's ok. It's all about taking it in baby steps until ultimately I am off of the med and no longer need it. You really sound better, Martin. I'm so happy for you.
comment by hopefields on Nov 25, 2008 8:56 PM ()
You are showing some wisdom here old man. Working with the Dr. is a good thing.
comment by grumpy on Nov 25, 2008 4:25 PM ()
It's good that you can start reducing some of the meds, even if there will be some that will remain on your "to do" list into the future. As long as you are feeling ok and the doc is kept aware, it doesn't hurt to cut down on dependencies and possible side effects.
comment by donnamarie on Nov 25, 2008 4:02 PM ()
well, at least yer getting off of and/or cutting down on some drugs. I also take the Coumadin, the Simvastatin and the Florsimide plus Cardizem and Lanoxin for the ticker. did you know that the generic Coumadin(warfarin) was an ingredient in rat poison? scary huh? This reminds me, I have to call Dr. Whalebutt and tell him I'm moving. I know he will be beyond greif.

yer walking talking pharmacy pal
comment by honeybugg on Nov 25, 2008 3:17 PM ()
Sounds like a good visit. It did not have everything you wanted, but he was looking to work with you to get you as close as possible to what you were hoping.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 25, 2008 2:34 PM ()
comment by panthurdreams on Nov 25, 2008 2:26 PM ()
Sounds good and glad that you have a good relation with your PCP
comment by fredo on Nov 25, 2008 1:55 PM ()

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