Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Found Me a Good Doctor---finally!

Found Me a Good Doctor---finally!

I met my new primary today--I was really impressed with him--we went over ALL my medical history--then my meds and he cut 3 out as unnecessary--he spent more time with me than any doctor (except a surgeon) has in 10 years--I was really impressed! Plus they have van service to and from their office which after what I went through these past 3 weeks with (and without getting) rides is the biggest plus!!

He is from Nicaragua but has been here 30 years and it seems he does a lot of things in the office that other doctors have sent me to 'specialists' for. Basically he says that he would like to see me every 2 months for blood and lab work which I can have any time and the following week to sit down with me and go over the results. He feels I have been stabilized enough with my blood thinner to just test once or twice a month instead of every week and the same with high blood pressure. All in all pleased.

Then there is the adventure with the eye doctor--long story short I went for new glasses September 27 and finally got them last Saturday but.... After going to see my primary I went to eye doctor--last time I was there I gave them something they had to fill out about my last eye exam for the motor vehicle department or I could lose my license--that's right--they didn't send it because they had to take a 'special' test--and, by the way, no one there is responsible for my not getting my glasses for 3 and a half months nor they that had to redo the tests and send the lens out again since when I did get the glasses they weren't 'right'!!

My friend Lance is getting his hip replaced, my friend David had a scare as they thought his cancer may have returned but it is old scar tissue that has to be 'scrapped' off and he is losing a month's pay which is hard for him and his partner Dale--and we aren't talking about old people--these are kids in their 40s and 50s!!!

posted on Jan 13, 2016 7:51 AM ()


You must have had a bunch of good doctors to, well, good for you!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 13, 2016 4:33 PM ()
Well I am a great patient!!!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 13, 2016 8:20 PM ()
It's great to find one good doctor, at least. My sympathies for the eye doctor office hassles.
comment by drmaus on Jan 13, 2016 10:03 AM ()
That's not the worst of the hassles! Not having a car getting to and from doctors takes up 2-3 hours a day!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 13, 2016 10:06 AM ()

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