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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

We have 3 new fish now! Two beautiful Betas brought by G and Kev got a new goldfish today. Pauly (my small pug) hasn't acted right since last night, but he's eating and everything. It could just be the heat and humidity maybe.

Tomorrow the construction will begin tomorrow morning hopefully! If we're lucky, it may be done (except for painting) by the weekend!

I tried to get Kev back to Tae Kwon Do today and the center even called for him. First he says he was scared to go back (due to lots of circumstances which has made a long gap since he's went). I talked to him about that, but then he said his back hurts. I know it was an excuse. I wish I could get him to go back.

Today I had a conversation with my sister that started with me talking about the situation with my mom yesterday. I guess she tries to show me how it's "how I say things" not "what I say" that offends mom and even her. My sister just explained that she has learned that it is who I am and it's not worth it to mention it to me because that would mean her and I not talking for a few days. I guess I can see her point with some things I do and say, but I just feel that every time I act in this way I am "reacting" to something I "feel". I feel like I do a lot to try to improve myself and I realize I'm not perfect. I just wish that my mom could work on herself too, but I know that I can only change myself and how I "react" to situations. I know that I need to figure out coping mechanisms o try when I'm feeling hurt or put down, because these are the times I lose control. I know that I spend way too much time in a physical state of "fight or flee" and my blood pressure shows it. It obviously comes from my past but it's up to me to figure out how to not keep it for the future.

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posted on July 22, 2008 6:09 PM ()


You know, you really can't blame yourself or be too surprised if you react and say things a little defensively...after all, think of the things YOU even doubted about life, yourself, your future, etc., and then when somebody says or does something that isn't in sync with your intentions, thoughts, feelings, etc., it's taken a bit more personal than maybe some other types of criticism, advice, opinions, etc. Knowing that others might be judging you (you've probably been thinking this long before now), you have an "edge" to yourself that might create a bit of a tone, phrasing, animation, or other impressive reaction or the way you explain things or hold a conversation on certain subjects that "gets to people". The fact that you are aware of this and am trying to do something about it is a step in the right direction...not to necessarily "go along with what others are saying", but to say things better and leave a better impression. They might feel differently about things if they were really hearing your thoughts and feelings and seeing the life and examples you have...but they can not hear or see those things because they can only hear your tone, phrases, etc. and can only see your anger, defensiveness, etc. I know you are not like this when you are relaxed and can really be yourself and comfortable about it, so working on really being yourself will do you good, too.
comment by donnamarie on July 31, 2008 1:26 PM ()
Yep, you can only change yourself and how you react. The fact that you're aware and trying is great progress. You're doing your best, I know.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 25, 2008 5:40 AM ()
It's not easy...but love them all for what they are *and* for what they can't be.
comment by janetk on July 23, 2008 6:45 AM ()
My sister says things to me sometimes and my feelings get hurt.She doesn't realize it.Like you said,it's not what but how she says it.I know this is just her way.I still love her and let it go.I can't see you being like that,you are too nice.Things are going great for you,don't let anybody take that away from you.You deserve to be happy and so do your children.You are wonderful and special person.Do what makes YOU happy and things will fall into place. Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 22, 2008 10:12 PM ()
we can not change the world, we can only change ourselves. just work on yourself and you will learn to love the person that you are, then it won't matter how everyone else acts because you will be a new person.
comment by firststarisee on July 22, 2008 6:37 PM ()

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