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Defining Gee

Life & Events > The Things I Want to Blog About, But Can't (Yet)

The Things I Want to Blog About, But Can't (Yet)

This has been quite a day. It went from the happiest morning of my life so far to a totally "Debbie Downer" sort of day.

The things I want to blog about, but can't (yet)
1. judgemental people
2. ignorant people that can't see past appearances.
3. honesty (even if you know it will hurt the person you need to tell)
4. people who say they want me to be happy yet seem to bring me down whenever I reach that point.
5. people who can't accept me for me.
6. family members turning their backs on other family members just because of a few poorly choiced words spoken.
7. loved ones who spit venom and bring up every negative experience they've ever had with you every time a disagreement comes up.
8. wanting to listen to my own heart
9. wanting to end my unhealthy desire to please everyone
10. vices
11. how impossible it is to have a conversation with a person that is judgemental and ignorant about the things they profess to judge people on.
12. how I feel as though I finally have the chance at true happiness and a close family and the one person who said that's all they wanted for me and would always be there for me, has once again pulled away the love the is supposed to be unconditional.
13. how some things never change.
14. how my father needs to find a way to think of himself for once too so that he can heal.
15. why my happy heart is once again hurting.
16. how I'm fighting the feeling of retreating to my bed under my covers and not coming out until the kids return tomorrow.
17.the anger I feel that I'm letting someone else make me feel bad for the decisions I'm making .
18. the numbness I feel.
19. the familiar pressure in my chest I feel.
20. the way my whole body feels toxic from the negativity.

Until I can/will/dare ...
I'll sit here and hope the numbness will cover the pressure, sadness and anger and hope that not much is asked of me tonight

posted on July 21, 2008 1:55 PM ()


It's a shame that all things like this just do not ever completely go away and we all have times of "drowning from being under things" even when we're supposedly happy and feeling good about ourselves. These are times I "play" what I learned in have the list already (it's right there in your post)...take each thing and say, "Is this really something I did or is it someone or something else's doing", "Can I fix it or is it not mine to fix", "Is this really true and serious or is it something I'm over-reacting to or have I made it to be more than what it is", and, "is this really something I need to focus on or can I just let it go"? (If I need to focus, is it now or at another time?) Once sorted, and some things discarded and some eased-over or resolved, the rest can be organized into a priority list...and you may find that one will take care of another and others will be taken care of (or addressed) when other things are handled. Clear your head, take some breaths, let yourself realize a plan for how to's not all going to go away or change in a day, but you can still live your day knowing that, in spite of all those things, you are alive, you do have love, you are making such progress, and you have your own stuff to do...including things you enjoy doing. We all go through life this way, dealing with things as we also live our lives with responsibilities and, hopefully, enjoyment, love, and happiness. They can and do co-exist, and will co-exist without ill effects if you don't let the "badder" things give you the impression that they are the only things...and that the "gooder" things are being robbed from you. Deal with one and "to hell with all of it" while you are doing the other. (It's a balancing can prevent one from out-weighing the other.)
comment by donnamarie on July 31, 2008 1:46 PM ()
Read my blog today. Try it and forget alllll those negative people. Try to tune them out if you can't "get them out."
comment by nenah on July 22, 2008 6:38 AM ()

Now that you got that all out just a bit, I hope you can relax and feel better. Embrace the rest of the evening.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 21, 2008 1:59 PM ()

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