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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > My Weekend Post to Brighten the Tuesday Blues-day

My Weekend Post to Brighten the Tuesday Blues-day

It seems like I never have time to write anymore, but I stop in every day to check what's new with some of my regular blog friends.

It was a great weekend. Friday night we went to G's parents house and had birthday cake for his niece. Saturday we brought Marissa to dance and then Kev, G and I went to have breakfast. Then we browsed around a few shops in the plaza and killed time until Riss was done with dance class. When we came home we carved our pumpkins (thus the pictures in the previous post).

Finally Saturday night came around and the kids went to their Dad's! Yes I sound excited and I'm not worried that makes me a bad mom! I so need and appreciate my every other weekend (1 night) without the kids! The only problem- it goes too fast! G and I always try to make the best of our time together but it doesn't make the 24 hours go by any slower! We went to dinner at Pizza hut and then went to FYE and browsed the used cds and dvds. We went specifically to find Cone Heads from way back in 1992 and it was a success! G has seen almost every movie ever created and hadn't seen this one. Since we both have the same crazy sense of humor and he remembered the skit from SNL, I knew we had to see it together. So we went back home and curled up on the couch together. We laughed and watched the cone heads. Then we turned on some old school love songs (the type you would remember from middle and high school dances) and we danced right there in the living room. It was awesome! He has the power to make me completely forget where I am and concentrate only on the energy and love I feel when he holds me close.

We stayed up late and slept equally late Sunday morning. And when we woke up, we lay there a little bit longer just because we could. When we finally peeled ourselves out of bed to make some coffee, G decided to make us some omlettes. He smoked us out with burnt toast but luckily it was his toast lol. After more post breakfast cuddle time, we headed to Saratoga to do some more browsing. This guy loves to shop and although I'm not really a shopper, I do enjoy looking at unique collectibles and stuff with him.

Then we had to do the dreaded grocery shopping which invariably means that Monday is coming. So even though it was just he and I at the grocery store, the blues of the work week were creeping in. After our Sunday grocery shopping, G's son came back home but my kids stayed another night with their Dad (as scheduled for his every other week weekend schedule).

Yesterday morning I was feeling awfully anxious and hadn't slept much Sunday night. When I went to my car, there was an envelope and on it written "To my love.." G had left me a note (and his worry stone)because he knew I was feeling anxious about the day and had been letting the students get the best of me lately. He wrote all about how much he loved me and would be thinking of me and counting down until the time when he could be home and hold me again. It made me tear up in a happy way like "How did I get this lucky?" At the end of the letter, he wrote "P.S. will you hold my rock for me until I get back home?"

It was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me.

posted on Oct 28, 2008 4:57 PM ()


You two sound like such an adorable couple.
comment by mellowdee on Oct 29, 2008 8:16 PM ()
"He has the power to make me completely forget where I am and concentrate only on the energy and love I feel when he holds me close."

This was one of my favorite posts from you, Gwennie.
comment by janetk on Oct 29, 2008 7:45 AM ()
He's good Very cute.

Too bad you don't get more snuggle time with him
comment by stiva on Oct 28, 2008 7:15 PM ()
You guys make such a great couple. I am so happy for you.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 28, 2008 5:02 PM ()

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