"In The Comfort Of Your Soul"
In the comfort of your soul,
Please let me swim so deep.
And forever to you I'll give my heart,
To have, to hold and to keep...
When I look into your eyes
I fall more in love with you,
In the comfort of your soul
Love's passionate fire burns so true...
When I kiss your soft, sweet lips
I just drift away.
To be in the comfort of your soul
Is the truest of blessings in every way...
In the comfort of your soul,
Forever I wish to be,
Feeling just like Christmas,
Every day a gift to me...
Forever in the comfort of your soul,
Please just let me stay,
And I will give you all that I am,
And love you everyday.
G. Strong, May 2008

"Two Souls"
Two souls were drifting separately,
So alone and feeling lost.
Until one day they were filled with joy,
When their paths had crossed...
The connection so strong between them,
Both of them could see,
One soul asked the other,
Would you walk with me?
When they turned to continue on,
Both souls filled with new courage.
Their hearts smiled in such delight,
For they saw that their paths had merged...
Hand in hand they traveled on,
Never before had they felt like this,
For not only did their hands fit perfectly,
But also did their kiss...
Then out came the sun to light the way,
They praised and thanked the Lord above
For once they were lost, but now were found,
By the light of the truest love.
G. Strong, May 2008
