I ponder all day
The beauty of you,
Forever I've searched
For a love so true...
So deep in my heart
Burns passion's fire.
For you are the one
That I truly desire...
No longer do I fear
Of being alone,
As I am comforted by the love
That to me you have shown...
Your love is a blanket
That keeps my heart warm,
Your love calms my soul
In the midst of storm...
So simple, this love,
Yet so very strong,
It raises my spirits
All day long...
Upon your sweet lips
I taste the love in your kiss,
Never before have I known
A truer passion than this...
When I hold your hand
And feel your soft touch,
It is in moments like these
That I love you so much...
I will cherish you always,
Forever and true,
And all of my love
I will give only to you.
G. Strong, May 2008

"I Will"
I will be the whisper
that you will hear,
When you are sad,
Letting you know I am near...
I will be the shoulder
That you cry upon.
I will wipe away all your tears
And for you I'll be strong...
I will be your best friend
Through troubles and strife,
And help to carry your burdens
Forever through life...
I will hold you so close
When you are in pain,
I will caress you so softly
Until you're smiling again...
I will be the hands
Gently holding your heart,
And the hands pressed together
Praying we'll never part...
I will do my very best
To be the man you dream of,
Covering you with a blanket
Of unconditional love...
And forever hold you,
So close to my heart
With a love that is true.
G. Strong, May 2008