Finally made my way up to the college today to get my materials for the class I'll be teaching on Sept 3rd. Only when I found the office, she had nothing for me. It was another unproductive trip. I'm not feeling quite myself the past few days but I'm not sure why. I guess there's just a lot going on in that mind of mine up there.
I know that even though it was more my sister's idea and her begging me to go, I'm actually quite psyched to go to the John Mayer concert tonight. For one, I could really use a good, kiss-ass time with my sister and also it's only the second concert I've ever been to in my life so it's something new for me.
Having more trouble with Kevin lying again. I just hate knowing that he is doing it to meet some need that as his parent I'm not meeting. I feel so helpless as a parent sometimes, especially lately. Riss has been real wise and lippy to me. I know she's at that age, but she's really been "my girl" since the separation and it does hurt at some level.