I'm not sure I have the energy for the dreadful details nor would I want to bore you with it but I'll give you the gist of it:
I had to go to the h.s. administration to fill out paperwork. I must say that I had a very pleasant surprise when I opened up my salary agreement. It is a huge pay increase for one year. No sooner did I have my moment of unbridled excitement and my next emotion of fear came in like a tidal wave.
Fear of failure. Fear of letting down the people who count on me. Fear of becoming so depressed again like I have been in the past. Fear of the unknown.
I pulled myself back together to go to the h.s. where I was greeted with at least 2 friendly faces happy to see me. I was able to see my schedule there. Everything is completely flip flopped for me because I used to be at the h.s. in the a.m.(where things are more relaxed and lenient) and at the m.s. in the p.m. (where I've never felt welcome and everyone turns their noses up at me). Well this year it is all reversed which stresses me out because it seems as though the first school you report to is your "main school".
**Anyways, I thought I wasn't giving details??**
After finding out my schedule at the h.s., I went to the m.s. and even though I thought positively that this was going to be a whole new experience from last year. Well I should've known it was not a good sign when I tripped on the cement stairs going in! But on I marched with a forced smile! Same *b* that gave me a hard time last year acted the same today. To see her face and hear her voice, I was apparently putting her out with just a simple question and would you believe that the main secretary of the guidance office in the m.s. couldn't even just tell me what periods I'd be teaching!
But the good part of the day started with a spontaneous trip to the beach with the two boys. Riss went to her friend's house and we just took off. The sun felt so good and it did give me an attitude adjustment for a Friday night!
