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Defining Gee

Entertainment > Music > Thank God for Good Days!

Thank God for Good Days!

The concert last night was really awesome. It was only the 2nd concert I've been to and I greatly enjoyed it. Both One Republic and John Mayer were mesmerizing. To add to the experience, the weather couldn't have been nicer and our lawn seats were actually awesome seats! We were front and center above the stage so we could see the performers live and then we could see them close up on the huge screen right in front of us.

I ran into one of my past students last night from the last class I taught at LG and the way this kids eyes lit up when he saw me...unbelievable! He was so proud to tell me he had just started college yesterday to be a paramedic. This was a real special bunch for me and it was just awesome to see him and do some catching up.

I didn't get home until midnight and was looking forward to snuggling up with my honey (who I hadn't seen since 5 a.m.). I knew he'd be sleeping but I still couldn't wait to just be in his arms. He surprised me though by hearing me come home and he made me smile when he said "Now I can sleep soundly". And we both did. (((LOVE)))

Today I've been in a good mood and had more energy than I thought I would. I brought the kids bowling and kicked their butts btw...TG for bumpers! LOL I bowled one of my highest games ever at 110!

It is gorgeous out today. The boys are playing on their bikes and Riss has been in and out of the house. They are going with their Dad tonight, but G's son will be here. I should knock on some available wood, but so far it has been a peaceful day.

Spoke to soon! Murphy's Law right? Just got back from breaking up a fight between my 2 outside. At least they were only chair cushions they were hitting each other with!

posted on Aug 26, 2008 11:38 AM ()


I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the concert. Mayer does one of my favorite songs, so I am very familiar with him and his music. And, you had such a sweet homecoming after the concert...I think that is so nice.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 23, 2008 7:41 PM ()
Glad you had such a good time at the concert, we all need a little time like that to relax. I wouldn't worry about the couch cushions that won't hurt's when they start with something that can do more damage is when you have to worry
comment by elfie33 on Aug 27, 2008 2:09 PM ()
Ah some days are just GOLDEN uh......others have golden showers in them which is bad when yer not that kinky…HaHa.
comment by dazeymae on Aug 26, 2008 2:24 PM ()
Most of my friends on myspace are former students. It is wonderful hearing from and about them. We teachers can become so attached. It is a noble profession for sure.
comment by angiedw on Aug 26, 2008 12:40 PM ()
A great time there.Nice night out.How cool is that?
comment by fredo on Aug 26, 2008 12:11 PM ()
YAY! I am so glad that you had a great time at the concert! You definitely deserve a night like that.
It is so funny how kids can go from World War III to caring about each other.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 26, 2008 11:50 AM ()

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