I ordered a pizza (with mushrooms which is cool because I love them and could never get them cuz A hated them and wouldn't pick them off cuz he could still taste them) and we watched Tommy Boy. I just loved Chris Farley and I was so sad when he died such an untimely, stupid death from overdose. It was a nice, quiet night and for this I feel recharged today.
Plus the sun is shining again which is a bonus. Sometimes I think I am "solar charged". Give me a rainy day and I'm zapped of all energy.
So I've had my coffee and OJ (my new morning routine now that I'm a morning person lol) and I'm almost ready to paint these other 2 walls in the kitchen and living room.
I'm motivated by the fact that my house has been ripped up for over a week, filled with boxes for over a week and had a board over a soft spot in my kitchen floor (which is finally fixed) for months!
Is there anyone else out there that really just hates construction? I love how new things look when it's done but the in between stage causes me STRESS and ANXIETY! I really don't want another stressful night of 4 kids and only one bedroom put together....
So I'm motivated to get it done today. Wish me luck!