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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Busy Days, Quiet Evenings

Busy Days, Quiet Evenings

Today was a busy, busy day.

After I brought Kev to Summer school, I quickly changed my clothes and called A. We had planned to meet up and go to the bank to have our legal separation agreement.

As I sat in the chair at the bank (the lady asked me to sit twice as I honestly would have rather stood), we signed the papers and then handed them to her to do her part. I felt like as long as we didn't make eye contact we would be okay. I was looking all around the walls of the bank, to the right only, as if they were an art exhibit I'd never seen.

It was all so simple, quick and easy as she handed them back to him and said "have a nice day." I raced to the front door of the bank, not looking back. I was so relieved to open the bank doors and be on the outside. Tears started to flow. I told him I was sorry, sorry for everything I did and sorry it turned out this way. He teared up too. It all seems so surreal still.

From there I went on with my day to the hardware store where I picked up paint and painting supplies along with a new mop and bleach that I needed for the house. My eyes were still red and I was glad to be headed home after this. I called and talked to my sister for a little while. It was comforting.

She stopped by to see the new rooms and the whole new layout of the house. We had a good chat about the email I got from my gram where she apologized for how she had acted and then we got talking about my Mom and her still acting immature and irrational. My sis confirmed that I was doing the right thing and that I was making progress (in the emotional healing sense).

I painted the two new bedrooms and ended up being light blue myself by the time I was done painting. I'm not an expert painter lol. I tried wiping up where I goofed the best I could, but there is light blue where there is supposed to be white.

I'm pretty exhausted and definitely not up for cooking dinner. The kids should be heading out to their dad's soon. G had a long day at work and is pretty quiet. It should make for a quiet evening. I love quiet evenings.

posted on July 31, 2008 3:27 PM ()


I couldn't help but think that, because this is already well past when you wrote this, that you've managed to move on a little from this by now. HOw comforting, though, to know that you have your sis to talk to...and wasn't it wonderful that your grandmother called to apologize and talk at this particular moment in time? Not the day before or a week after, but when it would be nice to have another sign that you are loved and everything is really ok. Even with such an emotional thing as what had happened, it's plain to see that you really have come a long way. You don't want to go don't want it to stop...just keep right on going, my friend!
comment by donnamarie on Aug 29, 2008 6:21 PM ()
You are doing amazingly well.. hang in there ad I hope your pain eases even more with time~
comment by frogfenatic on Aug 1, 2008 11:30 PM ()
I definitely think you are doing great. It can be tough with some things, but think of all the happiness you have now!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 1, 2008 1:53 PM ()
My exhusband and I (and our oldest daughter) went down to the county courthouse together where we met my ex's cousin (who was handling the divorce )to sign our divorce papers. It was ok until it was over and my ex-husband started to tear up. (I was emotionally and completely over him and our divorce as I had been detatched and done for 2 years prior to the actual 'event') But we got through it ok, and then took our daughter to see "The Stanley Cup" that was on display across the street as The Detroit Red Wings had won that year... sigh... long time ago. Sad... but it had to be done.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 1, 2008 8:36 AM ()

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